Page 58 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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Tech Perspective @ The EDGE


                AND THE CRE INDUSTRY

                TINA DANIELSEN
                Sr. Writer, Realcomm

                Digital transformation is the goal of every Corporate and Commercial Real Estate company, with its proven benefits of
                improved efficiency, employee and tenant satisfaction, and profitability. Matching business goals with technologies
                that enable transformation—and prove to be worth the investment—falls under the authority of IT leaders and their
                teams. With the explosion of new technologies available today, they must decide which meet the demands of their
                business model and which may be gone tomorrow. As meaningful data extraction and analytics affects all these
                categories, developing strategy is a growing challenge.

                We spoke with Cindy Parker, Managing Director of IT at LaSalle Investment Management, and Cheryl Gray,
                Executive Vice President at QuadReal, for their insights into the constantly changing world of digital transformation.

                CINDY PARKER

                Cindy Parker is the Managing Director of IT at LaSalle
                Investment Management, which operates as an indepen-
                dent subsidiary of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated, the
                publicly-traded parent company which also includes the
                real estate services group, JLL. She is a global strategist
                responsible for defining and overseeing the implementation
                of innovative technology solutions to business problems.
                This includes shaping IT initiatives, developing IT strategy,
                implementing system applications, ensuring availability
                and support of the firm’s technological infrastructure, and
                managing all technology spend within LaSalle Investment

                Tell us about LaSalle’s technology history and      doing the same thing across the world. With vendor sys-
                your part in it.                                    tems becoming global in the last five to seven years, we’ve
                I’ve been at LaSalle for over 30 years. When I started, the   been able to standardize our technology platform—which
                company was called LaSalle Partners and it was very   allows us to operate as a truly global company.
                small, about 300 people. We split off investment manage-
                ment from the services piece in the late ‘90s and that’s   Have advances in technology allowed streamlining
                when I took over as the head of IT for LaSalle Investment   in all areas of the company?
                Management. Over the last 20 years, we’ve expanded from   This is an ongoing strategic objective for our firm. What
                a U.S. focus, to having a significant presence in the United   we’ve done is plan and implement a strategy for a global
                Kingdom, continental Europe, and Asia-Pacific. With that   foundation. We now have Yardi operating on a single
                growth, our technology requirements grew as well. As we   platform, so employees across regions are in the same
                began expanding, there were no real global tools we could   database, which is a significant milestone. We also stan-
                implement, so we ended up with a lot of disparate systems                            Continued on page 58


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