Page 57 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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reader. However, the toll tag authority has credit card
                and other personal information; if a compromise occurs                                  AI
                in the parking system, the attacker is a step away from
                possibly compromising all the personal information.

                Resilience is the better part of valor
                A majority of large companies have a security plan in   Best in class CRE Tech DNA
                place, with a budget and the requisite security officers.    TM
                One statistic that’s disturbing though, is that only about   REmaap  is the ONLY software that combines a
                a third of those companies have a good cybersecurity   full range of capabilities into a single SaaS
                and incident response plan in place—and have it fully   platform – designed by CRE professional for CRE
                tested. As we’ve all heard, “Companies have to be right   professionals.
                100 percent of the time and the bad guys only need to
                be right once.” Cyber hackers are very nimble, and no   Artificial Intelligence
                company can defend 100 percent of the time.
                                                                          Perfected for CRE
                A response plan—with layers of security and defenses in
                place—is necessary for prevention and early detection.
                A response team should include:
                1.  A forensics team to determine what happened
                2.  Your IT ‘SWAT team’ ready to deal with remediation
                   quickly                                                                   Document Management
                3.  Your disaster recovery business continuity plan if
                   you’ve lost data                                                   Auto‐Annotation of documents
                4.  A law firm that understands how to manage cyber
                5.  A data privacy person (or law firm) that can advise                   Business Validation Scripts
                   on disclosure procedures (state- and country-
                6.  Your cyber insurance provider (if you don’t have this,                  API, ETL Import & Export
                   discuss with your insurance broker)
                7.  An external communications firm for public-
                   facing correspondence (to work with your internal                           Report Builder
                   corporate communications group)
                8.  Responsible business executive
                                                                                         Workflow Management
                We must do more on both the corporate and the building
                side to protect ourselves from cyber attacks. In the event
                one occurs, we must be prepared to respond quickly
                and appropriately. The word that comes to mind for that   NTrust CRE Services:
                is ‘resilience’. Organizational resilience is key for cyber
                survival, along with the institutional will to do those   Abstraction                  Finance & Accounting
                things.                                               Administration            Due Diligence

                              Don Goldstein is the CEO at 5Q Cyber, where
                              he helps companies become more secure by
                              providing the full spectrum of managed cyber
                              security services. His past roles in the real
                              estate industry have included Chief Informa-
                tion Officer and most recently, Chief Information Security   562‐207‐1600
                Officer. He has twenty years’ experience in advising the CRE
                industry in technology and security strategy.           Irvine     Atlanta    Boston   London    Chennai


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