Page 61 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 61

What advice would you give other CIOs today?        I’m pretty lucky that JLL provides us with our technology
                The most important thing is that you understand the business   infrastructure. This allows me to focus much more on the
                and what the business people are saying—and to help them   business technology: the actual tools, applications, and
                translate that into technological advances within the organiza-  the efficiency gainers that can be used so that people
                tion. If you don’t understand the business, or what they need   become more efficient, more effective and make better
                or how they’re thinking, you likely won’t be successful as a CIO.  decisions.

                GRAY - continued from page 57                       calls and allows managers to do a deeper dive on pro-
                                                                    cesses that might be impeding speed to completion. We
                cols and operating systems that are no longer supported—  have also been able to vastly improve our response time
                you can see the challenges we’re facing as an industry.  to calls—all through the data and algorithms that this soft-
                                                                    ware provides. We signed a contract with Okapi and within
                One thing that is different now, is the volume of calls we   six weeks were up and running with staff fully trained in
                get from technology vendors about the next great thing.   the test pilot building. That’s incredibly fast by any stan-
                There simply isn’t time to vet them all. I have to get ahead   dard. There are many other applications we could use it
                of the noise and focus on what fits within our strategic   for within real estate, but this was the first initiative for the
                plan. It’s challenging from a time perspective.     digital innovation team and it proved very successful.

                There are consultants who say they understand smart   Another project is an app we developed with a partner,
                building strategy, but they can be micro-specialists versus   Premises HQ. We had previously developed an app with
                overall strategists. In three separate projects, we con-                            Continued on page 66
                sciously picked three different consultants so that we
                have insight into what their skill set is. Are they helping us
                move forward with our agenda and the framework for our
                smart building strategy? We work very micro proof-of-
                concept; we use these learning opportunities to build upon
                our strategy and platform.

                QuadReal collaborated with Microsoft and the City
                of Toronto. Can you tell us about that?
                UPPlift is a program in which we partnered with Urban
                Living Futures, the City of Toronto and Microsoft. UPPlift
                put out a call to the incubator community and held a com-
                petition. Five companies were selected during that com-
                petition, and we prepared to pilot their technologies within
                our buildings. We’ve had some real successes there. It
                brought innovation to some operations and delivery of
                services. We found really cool technologies and clearly
                helped people who were very committed and passionate
                about their product or service and gave them the opportu-
                nity to actually implement it. Microsoft also picked three
                of those innovators to partner with. It was a great experi-
                ence for us and a great partnership with Microsoft.

                Innovative companies are applying AI to many different
                processes. Can you share the ways you’re doing that?
                One of our partnerships is with Okapi. We collaborated
                on their AI-based product that focuses on certain KPIs
                to improve performance. We currently overlay Okapi
                algorithms on our tenant demand system and have imple-
                mented it in 25 buildings across Canada. We’ve had more
                than 5,000 AI notifications go out to our teams. It’s helped   Park Place: QuadReal Headquarters, Vancouver,
                them become more proactive because the system tracks   British Columbia


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