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Business Solutions

                REAL ESTATE CYBER RISK:

                ARE YOU PREPARED?

                DON GOLDSTEIN
                5Q Cyber

                Security breaches are, unfortunately, a part of our reality   These categories are converging, and yet the risk man-
                now. For industry, they have a high monetary cost, and   agement process requires a certain amount of separation:
                cause erosion of the public trust. A company’s reputation   because of inherent vulnerabilities, building systems should
                in such instances relies on staying apprised of cyber   be separate from the corporate networks. In most cases,
                security protections, readiness, and a quick response to   people—not their systems—are quite often the biggest secu-
                malicious events.                                   rity risk. Consistent, ongoing security awareness and training
                                                                    is critical, as well as constant monitoring.
                Executives at all levels of real estate organizations are
                spending more and more time on cybersecurity issues   The physical infrastructure is in some ways more
                today. As innovation is driven by big data and smart   susceptible to attack, simply because it’s not traditionally
                analytics, a greater scope of connectivity between   as well managed by people versed in security as
                systems and buildings will require comprehensive and   the corporate side. However, motive for an attack is
                ongoing security strategies.                        important. Just because something is vulnerable doesn’t
                                                                    mean it’s prime for compromise; it may not be interesting
                Historically, there are two areas of concern:       for someone to compromise a system with little return. A
                                                                    company should focus their security efforts on the bigger
                1. CORPORATE SECURITY AND INFORMATION               targets that would yield greater gains for an intruder, and
                  TECHNOLOGY: IT                                    place better controls over who accesses, implements and
                These are the organizational systems and business   maintains those systems.
                applications employees use every day, including email,
                financial applications, HR applications, the internal   Digital transformation leads to additional challenges
                corporate network, internet services, and more. This   The digital transformation that’s taking place in the real
                category is generally managed by the corporate security   estate industry and the incredible investment in digital
                team, often within the technology function of the   products means that the profile of real estate is increasing
                organization.                                       as never before. Real estate is now creeping into one of the
                                                                    top areas for nefarious infiltration. One reason may be that
                2. ASSET OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY                     it’s a softer target. Many real estate organizations are not
                  AND SECURITY: OT                                  subject to regulations from the SEC and other governing
                Traditionally the main building systems, these now   bodies; as an industry, real estate is not regulated the
                include networked building automation systems, as   same way as banks and financial institutions, insurance
                well as connectivity to the outside at all levels. Also   companies, airlines, and utilities. These other industries
                known as the Industrial Internet, the physical buildings   have had more focus on making sure they are keeping
                are increasingly integrated with sensors and wireless   themselves appropriately locked down.
                functions. Responsibility in this area may vary depending
                on how properties are operated; it may fall under the   Another reason, of course, is information. On the
                purview of the owner, a third-party service provider,   corporate side, real estate companies provide services
                building engineers, or a combination of entities.   that create volumes of data, valuable information in


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