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Business Solutions



                NAOMI SOUZA                                         enough to just hire talented professionals and let them
                Director of Presence and Assets                     do their work—the organization needs to know and share
                RealFoundations                                     what everyone is working on, how they’re doing their
                                                                    work and what they’ve learned. Others in the enterprise
                                                                    could use that information to excel in their own work and
                “WORKING OUT LOUD” DESCRIBES new ways of bring-     make the company more successful.
                ing social collaboration and narration techniques into the
                workplace. It can be defined with a simple formula: WOL   Working out loud lets people:
                = Observable Work + Narrating Your Work. “Observable   •  Quickly find answers to questions—they have easy
                Work’” means putting work in a place where others can   access to knowledgeable colleagues and valuable infor-
                have the benefit of seeing and potentially engaging with   mation that the organization has captured.
                it to inform their own work. “Narrating Your Work” means
                providing context for the observable work so others can   •  Read fewer emails—they’re continually communicating
                determine its applicability to their own projects.    and sharing through other newer and more collaborative
                                                                      technologies, creating threads that capture historical and
                The Business Case for Working Out Loud                ongoing conversations, e.g., Teams, Yammer, Slack, etc.
                The business case for WOL is strong and gaining veloc-  •  Forge strong and highly productive professional relation-
                ity every day in a world of exponential data proliferation.   ships—via these newer technologies, they can simply
                Currently, an astounding 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are   connect, in real time, with colleagues anywhere in the
                produced every day, according to Domo, a computer soft-  world who have similar professional interests and/or
                ware company that specializes in business intelligence   relevant knowledge.
                and data visualization. The pace is only accelerating as
                the Internet of Things continues to grow. By 2020, 1.7 MB   •  Attend fewer meetings—they can mine historical conver-
                of data will be created every second for every person on   sations for information and perspective in order to make
                the planet, Domo predicts.                            quicker, well-informed decisions, reducing the need for
                                                                      verbal discussions either in-person or remotely via video
                Complicating matters further, more than 90 percent of   or voice call.
                data at this point is in the form of emails, text messages,   •  Work whenever and wherever—they’re able to access
                images, videos, conversations, online meetings, calls,   cloud-hosted technologies 24/7 regardless of their loca-
                graphics, presentations, stories, etc. This is contextual   tion and time zone to create, process, access and act
                data—versus tabular or structured data recorded in a   upon information.
                table or database. Leaders at companies of all sizes rely
                on contextual data to make key business decisions so   •  Establish personal brand recognition—they can show-
                this information really needs to reside someplace that’s   case what they know whenever they want to do so.
                organized and easily accessible. WOL enables this. Of   •  Have greater transparency into their organization’s
                course, the larger a company is, the more important it is   work—everyone can participate by sharing information
                to work out loud because the organization presumably is   and ideas.
                producing more data containing actionable intelligence.
                                                                    Companies that figure out how to find and leverage both
                WOL also can help capture the knowledge inside the   their contextual data and what employees know will be
                heads of team members wherever they’re located and   more successful than those that do not. Companies
                whatever their role within the organization. It’s not   perform better when they know what they know and can


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