Page 56 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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terms of transactions and money. This includes the data        The digital transformation that’s
                from supply chain contractors, third-party services, and   taking place in the real estate industry
                tenants’ personal data. This data is now on a network,
                and therein lies the potential exposure. Many companies   and the incredible investment in digital
                servicing the industry operate in an entrepreneurial   products means that the profile of real
                fashion, as contractors to large real estate organizations.
                Service and speed are important, and people need to work   estate is increasing as never before;
                effectively—with all the access that entails. There must   it is now creeping into one of the top
                be a balance between security and efficiency, so that
                employees can do their jobs while still staying secure. As       areas for nefarious infiltration.
                the industry standardizes security protocols, more third-
                party entities will be subject to vendor security reviews.

                On the asset side, the goal of a comprehensive user   by attacks like these because the procedure is familiar—
                experience is effectively changing the game. Capturing   it’s not anything unusual.
                and tracking data about the user experience in a building
                creates information that’s never been electronically   As time goes on, violations will become more creative. The
                available before and is no longer under closed proprietary   Schneier on Security blog recently posted an article about
                systems. Consequently, there’s an uptick in focus by   hacking construction cranes. Cranes now have the capability
                the investment community about cybersecurity. This   for remote wireless diagnostics. Can you imagine a crane in
                is driving behavior within companies to examine their   the hands of someone intent on doing harm?
                security policies and programs.
                                                                     Another existing possibility exploits a very common
                Unanticipated events                                 activity: parking. Imagine the location is a high-value
                Today, 90% of compromises start with business email   downtown Class A office building that contains building
                and some kind of phishing attack, and they have become   systems everyone uses. How are the tenants using those
                quite sophisticated. These emails appear to be from   systems and how are they connected? How are the
                someone you know, asking for information or money.   tenants accessing that building’s parking area? In some
                They may have a signature block that looks exactly like   cases, it’s a proprietary system using a badge, or perhaps
                the one you are expecting. For example, a supplier who   it reads your license plate. But in many buildings you
                has completed a service ‘sends’ an email enclosing an   enter using your toll tag. The property manager is given
                invoice and new bank account or new wire instructions   the toll tag number and vehicle information. As a tenant,
                for payment. People develop habits that can be exploited   it’s very convenient because there’s no need for a fob or

                  Considering the statistics,    •  Cybercrime damages will cost the world    sensors will be embedded in the world
                  it’s not a question of ‘if’ a   $6 trillion annually by 2021       around us, with up to 45 trillion in 20 years
                  small-to-midsized business    •  FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)   •  Hacking tools and kits for cyberattacks,
                  will be hacked, but ‘when’     stated reported cybercrimes only represent   identity theft, malware, ransomware,
                                                 10 to 12 percent of the total number   and other nefarious purposes have price
                                                 actually committed in the U.S. each year  points starting as low as $1
                                                •  FBI reports that the Business Email   •  More than 90 percent of successful hacks
                                                 Compromise (BEC), a sophisticated scam   and data breaches stem from phishing
                                                 targeting both businesses and individuals   scams
                                                 performing wire transfer payments—has
                                                 cost more than $12.5 billion in losses   •  More IP traffic will be created in 2022 than
                                                 over the past 4.5 years             in the 32 years since the Internet started
                                                •  Less than half of companies globally are   •  Global spending on cybersecurity
                                                 sufficiently prepared for a cybersecurity   products and services will exceed $1
                                                 attack, according to PwC            trillion cumulatively over the five-year
                                                                                     period from 2017 to 2021
                                                •  Number of connected devices on the
                                                 Internet will exceed 50 billion by 2020.     According to the Cisco/Cybersecurity Ventures
                                                 And by 2022, one trillion networked   2019 Cybersecurity


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