Page 54 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 54
[EX] and in turn, the bottom line for the business. Why? If the IWMS is the foundation of the
According to Gallup, companies with highly engaged
workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings workplace tech stack, the EX layer
per share. That is simply staggering. Author Jacob Mor- is at the top and permeates every
gan says that employee-centric companies produce four
times the profit and two times the revenue of similar level of the technology found within it.
companies in the same industries.
Today, doing so is not as difficult as it sounds. There’s
no need to ‘rip and replace’ other SaaS technologies, just
connect them and allow them to share data. Most sensor to the bottom line, shareholder value, and premium space
and badge data are collected effortlessly and passively usage and optimization will move EX solutions to the top
as employees come and go through office environments. of the tech stack…and to the top of the strategic plans
Some forward-thinking companies are even deploying stack on every CEO’s desk for years to come.
them to reduce cleaning services in unused spaces,
identify unused parking spaces or the most popular gym Elizabeth Dukes is the Co-Founder and CMO of
equipment in the fitness center to better replicate well- iOFFICE, the leading workforce-centric IWMS
ness experiences across facilities and geographies. software and the first 100% SaaS platform
When the workplace responds automatically to the employ- designed for the Digital Workplace. Dukes drives
ees’ needs, their experience and productivity skyrockets. strategy for iOFFICE and advocates for the
That satisfaction, in light of a tough job market, will be the confluence of people and technology that unleashes the full
measure of every ‘Best Places to Work’ list. But the gains potential of the workforce and the workplace.
RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd 52 4/19/19 3:17 PM