Page 53 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 53
According to Gallup,
companies with highly
engaged workforces
outperform their peers
by 147% in earnings
per share.
this the foundation of the tech stack. Most systems today find the right floor, is key. Room reservations weren’t
feature the most critical elements for running an enter- just about getting a room, it was about knowing which
prise workplace: was the best room, with the right equipment and the
right size to accommodate the conversation, distance
• Space Management and mood that each meeting would have. These
• Maintenance Management subtleties matter.
• Visitor Management
• Resource Scheduling • Communicating about change is critical. Employers
• Lease accounting are learning that employees know what they need,
but often don’t have the venue or the tools to express
Over time and with employee-input, employers learned a it. Creating an employee task force allows staff to
few key lessons: participate in setting priorities, and reach across silos
for cooperation and data sharing. It also and gives
• Mobile solutions are a MUST have, not a nice to have, employers a conduit to communicate insights gleaned
for employees to actually adopt new technologies. They from workplace data, and how it will be used ultimately
must be accessible everywhere, and that’s especially serve them.
true for remote workers.
Enter the Responsive Workplace
• Activity-based working (ABW) is a game-changer. If the IWMS is the foundation of the workplace tech stack,
Offering employees different work environments that the EX layer is at the top and permeates every level of
reflect their tasks (open spaces for collaboration, quiet the technology found within it. Today, each layer of the
spaces for phone calls, break rooms to relax, and a host tech stack must connect with one another, must give and
of different-sized and A/V equipped conference rooms) receive data to each other, and produce powerful insights
better meets the need of the worker and their work. for both benchmarking across industries and predictive
analytics for the future. This interactive connectivity
• It’s not just what happens at work, it’s what happens gives you the power and freedom to respond to your
between work. Employees wanted a way to connect current workforce and intelligently invest in your future
with each other and visitors. Wayfinding—to a workplace. Every app, every sensor, every piece of soft-
conference room, to a colleague’s desk, to help guests ware must seek first to elevate the Employee Experience
RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd 51 4/19/19 3:17 PM