Page 36 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 36


          The Evolutionary Role of Today’s

          IT Executives

          Tina Danielsen
          Realcomm Staff

                ransformative technologies affect all aspects of our industry today, resulting in a widen-
                ing scope of duties for IT professionals. As roles change, IT must transition from being a
          T technology provider to understanding and shaping company goals; meeting multifaceted
          business needs is the new standard for CIOs and their teams. Moving to a more proactive role that
          facilitates the business agenda and contributes to the company vision, they must transform data
          into impactful strategy. Whether it’s automation, connectivity, customer touchpoints, sustainability
          initiatives, energy metrics, or even helping to educate the organization, IT executives are playing
          a leading role in steering the business. We sat down with Sandy Jacolow of Silverstein Properties,
          and Robb Napolitano of Rose Associates, to discuss their views on this changing model and what
          it means for their companies.

                    Sandy Jacolow, CIO, Silverstein Properties     evolution of seamless integration between technology and physical
                    Sandy Jacolow joined Silverstein Properties in 2011 as Chief   assets, real estate owners and developers are reinventing how we
                    Information Officer, a role in which he oversees the technology   deliver services and information to employees, tenants and residents.
                    initiatives that support the company’s financial, operations and
                    development activities. Mr. Jacolow has been active in the real
            estate industry for over 30 years with a focus on the institutional advisory,
            property management and brokerage markets. He possesses a unique and
            complementary blend of financial, accounting and technology experience.

          RC: Tell us about your typical workday.
          Jacolow: With each passing day, personal computing drives transforma-
            tional change beyond real estate. Digital platforms like mobility, cloud
            computing, big data, internet of things, virtual reality and social video
            are leading the way. As a result, the words “typical day” no longer ex-
            ists in a CIO’s vocabulary. Brian Solis best described this shift as Digital
            Darwinism, “The phenomenon that occurs when technology and
            society evolve faster than an organization can adapt.”
              Ironically in our digital age, soft skills like communication,
            self-awareness and education are key to building a spirit of collab-  Sandy accepts the 2017 Realcomm/IBcon Julie Devine Digital Impact
            oration while fostering an alignment of business objectives. A CIO   Award (Digie) for his longstanding leadership in the industry.
            must strive to tailor a multifaceted message addressing the mosaic
            tapestry of user demographics and functional responsibilities. To   As a result, technology has morphed from supporting our business, to
            build a sustainable consensus, I continually apply a fundamental life   being the fabric of our business.
            lesson I’ve learned: it is not about how I perceive a message is being   Mobility, the defining technology of our generation, has become
            delivered, but how it lands on others. When championing change,   the proverbial bridge connecting IoT devices, opening a window into
            we must always be prepared to answer the first question we will be   holistic real-time information. Hence, ensuring ubiquitous network
            asked, “What’s in it for me?”                          access and wireless coverage in our buildings is a perpetual endeavor.
          RC: What technology initiatives are priorities this year?   For perspective, consider that a building engineer’s primary tool
          Jacolow: I believe it is less about a single emerging trend, and more   is now their mobile device. From this new paradigm, our opera-
            about the convergence of multiple disruptive technologies. With the   tions team is continually receiving predictive updates from core

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