Page 35 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
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processes. That’s a shortsighted approach that can create prob- share a database with investor reporting, portfolio reporting,
lems in the long run. All companies, even those not required to investment accounting and investor relations.
have accountability at the Sarbanes-Oxley level, are best served Along with providing seamless interaction between invest-
with best-in-class procedures and documentation. ment managers and property managers, an integrated technol-
ogy platform can easily accommodate additional modules—and
Install the Right Platform portfolios—as necessary. This kind of advanced technology also
Every real estate organization needs to be laser-focused on impacts recruitment and retention, as educated candidates will
what separates them from the competition, and invest heavily shun organizations that are stuck in the past.
in those areas. That’s why a technology platform that can take Organizations are well advised to compare their IT infrastructure,
your business in the right direction is the third crucial asset for including the hidden costs of custom solutions and integrations, to
navigating the new era of real estate management. a single connected solution in the cloud. Cloud solutions keep real
An operating platform capable of evolving with a business and estate organizations out of the IT business, promote lean opera-
that’s easy for staff and stakeholders to use, even after a merger tions and enable greater attention to core responsibilities.
or acquisition, can be a key competitive differentiator. An inte- Careful planning is crucial to success in a fast-changing business
grated platform that synchronizes investor reporting, investment environment. By building a great team, implementing process-
accounting and asset management with property management, es for efficiency and scale and adopting an adaptable platform,
accounting and ancillary operations provides a detailed view of you’ll be positioned to decide whether or not joining the mergers
portfolio performance without potentially unreliable and dis- and acquisitions trend is the right move for your organization.
jointed interfaces. Full asset management and financial reporting Whichever way you go, your business will be better off.
to investors, combined with drilldown to the asset and tenant
levels, lowers risk at the operational level–a key consideration for Alex Stanton has over 20 years working with in the real estate
investors, regulators and potential suitors. application space. Currently, as Industry Principal/Commercial
An investment and property management platform that drives for Yardi Systems, he leads the solution presales team, who work
efficiency by automating business processes provides a higher with customers and prospects to explore how to address business
level of service to partners, tenants and investors. Drilldown to needs. Alex’s recent areas of focus has been to work with clients
the tenant level is easy because underlying asset operations on the real estate specific applications of cloud, mobile, ‘big data’ and energy.
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