Page 40 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 40

Intelligent BUILDINGS

          The Workforce Behind Digital

          Transformation in Buildings

          Noah Goldstein

               he digital transformation  of buildings is coming, driven   still working, they will be faced with the sometimes-daunting
               by networked solutions, more sensors, and a drive toward   challenge of upgrading their buildings to the new Internet of
          T operational efficiency. The building of tomorrow will   Things (IoT) paradigm, incorporating more sensors and new
          be tuned to its tenants, self-heal, and be optimized for a new   communication technology.
          electric grid. However, it is not clear when tomorrow will come.   The Pew Charitable Trust reports   older Americans are less
          There are several obstacles to this future,                            tech-savvy than younger Americans. This
          but this article focuses on one that has                               supports an assumption that aging FMs are,
          traditionally been overlooked: people.                                 or will, find adapting to the digital building
          People, namely facility managers (FMs),                                challenging because of added IT and wire-
          building operators, and plant engineers,                               less responsibility. However, there are many
          are responsible for keeping the lights on,                             exceptions to this assumption, and it would
          the building comfortable, and even the                                 be easy to argue that FMs may be the best
          floors clean. They manage special events,                              jack of all trades in industry today. It is likely
          power outages, legacy equipment, natural                               that the smaller commercial buildings
          disasters, changes in ownership, changes                               (e.g., class B real estate) are managed by a
          in management, upgrades to IT, and soft-                               different demographic group than fancy
          ware and equipment upgrades. FMs are                                   class A high-rise skyscrapers. But if, for the
          also increasingly responsible for applied                              sake of argument, there is a proportion of
          sustainability  and increased reporting to                             people managing buildings today who are
          the C-suite.                                                           challenged by IT, the IoT, and new modes
            The role of FM will grow more com-                                   of managing data and buildings, then this
          plex, with new energy and communication technology coming   digitized revolution will face adaptive issues.
          on board, more stakeholders asking for data, and more diverse   Not all FMs are alike, and some will be quite tech-savvy. If the
          tenant and facility needs. The building of tomorrow is positioned   building of tomorrow will be advanced like a jet fighter plane
          to be a fully digital building—fully instrumented and networked,   and not like a classic car, then we need to address the pilots—
          relying on wired and wireless solutions. As the building transi-  what can be done to get them, and their buildings, prepared for
          tions, so should its operators. Industry focuses will shift to whiz-  the future?
          bang easy fixes based on apps and more data streams. However,
          in all the company pitches, webinars, and conference sessions,   1. Let the people speak
          nobody ever talks about the aging of the FM workforce.  Property ownership groups should examine their staff’s
                                                                 capabilities and share the findings with the industry. FM
          An Aging Workforce                                     organization groups like IFMA have sponsored studies on FM
          Quite frankly, FMs are not a young bunch. According to the   demographics in the past. The intelligent building community,
          Bureau of Labor Statistics,  close to 30% of FMs are less than   including facility and property managers, need more research
          10 years away from retirement age. A recent Royal Institution   focusing on FMs and their colleagues’ views of technology and
          of Chartered Surveyors and International Facility Management   digital solutions.
          Association (RICS/IFMA) study  revealed that more FMs are older
          than 70 years old than under 30 years old. They estimate that   2. Invest and educate
          in the next 15 years, 50% of the existing global FM workforce   The existing crop of FMs will need training to keep abreast of
          will retire. When they retire, they will take their experience   changes in IT and hardware (which used to be called equipment).
          and knowledge of each building with them. For those FMs   At the same time, this group has better inside knowledge of

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