Page 39 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 39

selected a solution we can host on premise—and allows us to choose   Jacolow, continued from page 35
          who we want to integrate with. That’s an incredible freedom that most   series of more traditional meetings, to illuminate how our new digital
          service providers do not allow, but was necessary for us so that we can   approach would also ease existing pain points.
          offer individual service to our clients.
                                                               RC: What are the major trends you see and how is technology influenc-
        RC: Are these customizations your focus for 2017, or are there other   ing those trends?
          technology initiatives you are working on as well?   Jacolow: The two trends that I am keeping a close watch on are Virtual
        Napolitano: Customizations are part of our strategy in 2017, but we are   Reality and Social Video. Steeped in architecture, real estate is a very
          also working on some other exciting technology initiatives. Our focus is                   visual asset
          building a dynamic technology solution that can grow with the compa-                       class. I believe
          ny and support the increasing need for employees to have the flexibility                   Virtual Reality is
          to work remotely. Our first step was to implement a private cloud allow-                   destined to have
          ing employees to access all necessary business applications. This was a                    a measurable
          priority for us in case of emergencies—for example, if a Hurricane Sandy                   impact. It has
          were to happen again, we need employees to be able to remotely ac-                         the potential to
          cess files and communication tools so that they can continue to provide                    reinvent how we
          services to our residents. That was our first goal.                                        view the entire
            Our second step in this process is to create the ultimate mobile of-                     life cycle, starting
          fice: virtual desktops and enhancements to our cloud so that anybody                       with a building’s
          can work anywhere, anytime, with the same end user experience. In                          design through
          addition, we’re looking at leveraging the Office 365 platform to allow                     providing an
          people to seamlessly communicate.                                                          immersive
                                                                                                     experience for
        RC: What technology trends do you see affecting your business most in                        clients. Allowing
          the future?                                                                                tenants to walk
        Napolitano: I think it depends upon communication pathways and Net                           their space
          Neutrality. Net Neutrality is the principle that all service providers                     before con-
          must treat the traffic of data the same regardless of user, company,                       struction even
          content, etc. The FCC, under the current administration has expressed                      begins translates
          the desire to eliminate Net Neutrality. This will have a big impact on all                 into a more
          companies. There’s only so much bandwidth, and now they’re going                           personalized
          to charge (or allow) certain companies to pay more to get more. What                       and customized
          happens to access for those who aren’t paying more? We’re creating                         user experience.
          this great ‘work anywhere, anytime’ scenario—but if the speed of your                      Ultimately,
          internet connection is reduced because another person/organization                         Leasing
          has the priority, you’re not going to be able to take advantage of the                     and Asset
          services we are working so hard to provide.                                                Management will
            I also see automation affecting all sectors—manual processes will   be able to calculate more accurate development projections, which
          go away. Whether it’s leasing a unit, or managing a property—tech-  means ‘no surprises’ after the space is built and ready for occupancy.
          nology’s going to offset some responsibilities. For work orders, ticket-  At the intersection of knowing your audience, knowing where to
          ing, or engagement, there’s solutions and apps for everything.   find your audience and knowing when your audience is watching,
            The next four years will determine where we are technically from   is where you will cultivate your foundation for marketing success.
          several aspects: precious resources and minerals, globalization versus   Engaging with social video is fast becoming the preeminent method
          isolation, as well as the next gen of mobile computing. Soon we’ll all   of connecting with your audience. When properly curated, social vid-
          be using our mobile devices as primary PC and phone—put it in a   eos are authentic, personal, conversational, and tell a story. Facebook
          docking station to access your services. My goal is to ensure that Rose   and Snapchat have surpassed eight billion daily video views and
          has a dynamic infrastructure that will meet the demands of an ever   YouTube’s one billion-plus users are watching millions of hours of
          evolving market and an ever evolving world.             video every day, hence the potential for engagement is phenomenal.

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