Page 33 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 33

unique value to the community and paves the way for citywide   safety. All of these features make the community even more
        deployment of solutions such as smart street lighting.   desirable to residents.
          The manageable scale of MIDs, when combined with aligned   Through implementation of autonomous vehicles, smart street
        stakeholders and innovative business models, enables city stake-  lights, a utility micro-grid with clean and reliable energy, and
        holders to innovate relatively quickly with less financial and
        technical risk. Implementing smart street lighting in a MID,
        for example, frequently serves as a starting point for many
        smart city initiatives due to the opportunity to save 50% or
        more of energy costs. This is compelling, since street lighting
        can consume up to 40% of a city’s energy budget. The cost
        and complexity of upgrading tens of thousands of street
        lights can be daunting, and city leaders are well served by
        having a real-world environment, such as Peña Station NEXT,
        to test innovative technologies and validate business mod-
        els before rolling them out on a larger scale.
          Many smart city technologies, including smart parking,
        community Wi-Fi, environmental sensing, and public safety,
        will leverage the ubiquitous, always-on nature of street
        lights. Developers can help city leaders sort through this confus-  other human-centric planning and technology, the living lab at
        ing and vast array of smart city options by deploying a thought-  Peña Station NEXT is proving the business case for MIDs. This has
        fully integrated mix of smart city applications that enhances MID   only been made possible via alignment of the city, county, devel-
        resident and visitor quality of life, provides compelling economic   opers, and utilities. They are working together to create deeper
        returns to investors, and creates a technology-rich environment   partnerships, new business models and improved integration to
        for innovation across all stakeholders.                make such an innovative and transformational community possi-
          MIDs can also serve as ideal locations for the relatively rapid   ble. Due to the success of Peña Station NEXT and other MIDs, we
        deployment and testing of autonomous cars and connected   expect many more of these communities to emerge in the near
        vehicle technology. While many states are moving to pass leg-  future.
        islation supportive of autonomous transportation, the reality is
        that very few cities are prepared for the large-scale introduction   Mike Hess leads Panasonic’s Smart & Sustainable Buildings
        of autonomous vehicles. Having dedicated lanes for autonomous    team, and also supports their CityNOW initiatives for smart
        vehicles and testing a wide range of smart mobility technologies   cities. He has expertise in sustainability and LEED consulting,
        makes the MID more sustainable and more compelling, and can      energy modeling, commissioning, water re-use, renewable energy,
        provide city leaders with the experience and confidence needed   micro-grids, energy storage, and intelligent control systems. Mike
        to make important decisions about the broad deployment of   has experience working with multiple stakeholders to achieve transformational
        autonomous vehicles.                                   smart city results. This includes the micro-grid at Pena Station NEXT in Denver,
          For the developers, MIDs offer a wide range of benefits. Peña   where Panasonic, Denver and Xcel Energy are working towards a carbon neutral
        Station NEXT provides several examples, such as more reliable   community.
        power, improved connectivity, safer streets, and a healthier envi-
        ronment. The utility’s back-up battery in this MID has allowed for   George Karayannis has over 25 years of  emerging technology and
        the reduction of diesel emergency generation capacity, reducing   sustainable solutions sales, business development, and marketing
        costs for vertical developers and improving local air quality. An   leadership at Fortune 100 firms and high-tech startups. He
        autonomous shuttle recently arrived at Peña Station NEXT, and it   currently leads Panasonic’s CityNOW team in North America.
        will soon provide better ‘first and last mile’ connectivity between   Previously, George served as VP of  U.S. Smart City Solutions
        buildings, the train station, and bus stops associated with this   for Schneider Electric, led Smart Grid Business Development at Lockheed Martin
        MID. Sensors in the Peña Station NEXT street lights are being   and Trimble, managed New Service Strategy at AT&T, helped launch several
        utilized to optimize city services, monitor air quality, and improve   wireless startups, and served as a town councilman.

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