Page 31 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
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encourage employees and executives alike to work together to
        meet long term goals. NewWow is also built on a culture of trust,
        in which employees can choose workspaces that suit them best.
        Knowing employees value their work and their results allows
        managers to depend on them to get the job done, whether or
        not they’re at the same desk every day.

        Building a Neighborhood
        It stands to reason that if your employees make efficient use
        of their time in the office, the goals of your company will more
        quickly be achieved. Think about your office as a series of
        neighborhoods. For example, your marketing employees should
        work in the ‘marketing neighborhood’, while your financial team
        works in the ‘financial neighborhood’, so they can more easily
        share ideas with each other. Teamwork does wonders for morale,
        and it can also have a more tangible effect
        on financials. With employees of the same
        department working close to one another, it
        eliminates the need for long treks across the
        office and unnecessary emails. While on its
        own that might only take a few minutes, the
        time saved over a year could mean hours
        of productivity.

        Going Green Saves Green
        Sustainable building design is not only a
        great move for the environment, it can also
        help save your business money. By making
        changes, such as incorporating LED lamps
        and making use of daylight and presence
        sensors, your company can reduce power
        consumption and lower overall building
        operation costs.
          Automated building systems can also
        significantly decrease energy waste. When
        lighting, cooling and heating systems are
        responsive to occupancy and seasonal
        changes, it eliminates risk of human error,              These changes are just some of what we recommend to tran-
        such as forgetting to turn the lights off or misjudging when it’s   sition your office to the workspace of the future. And the future
        hot enough for the cooling system to be running.       is now. Start talking to your employees to get their feedback
                                                               on these or other changes. This will inform your work going
        Business Continuity                                    forward and ensure you are making the right choices for your
        Your office design can also help mitigate damages and promote   business’s future.
        safety during an emergency situation, such as a natural disaster,
        snow storm, or fire. Employee safety is first priority, and no   Michael Kruklinski is Head of  Siemens Real Estate, Region
        employee ever needs to put themselves at risk to travel to work.   Americas, overseeing all operations for Siemens Real Estate within
        At Siemens, our NewWow offices allow our team members to         the Americas. With over 20 years experience at Siemens,
        work remotely from anywhere. A safe and productive day is just   Kruklinski has held several senior positions, most recently Chief
        as accessible from home.                                         Strategy Officer and Head of  Corporate Development for Siemens
          A whopping 80 to 90 percent of the U.S. workforce would   Corporation USA. Over the past five years, he has led the implementation of  the
        like to telework at least part time. Because of the popularity of   New Way of  Working (NewWow) smart office concept, which as has been
        remote working, making it an option that works for your space   implemented in more than 120 sites in 43 countries, encompassing 72,000
        can also decrease employee turnover.                   employees and 820,000 square meters of  office space.

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