Page 30 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
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Enhancing Your Office Space: Five Ways to
Improve Your Workplace & Bottom Line
Michael Kruklinski
Head of Real Estate, Region Americas
onsidering that employees spend such an enormous concept, we permit our employees to work remotely and to be
amount of time at work, it’s no surprise that workspac- flexible inside of the office—which means we can operate in
Ces—whether they be at an assigned desk, or working in a culture of collaboration and trust. This allows our employees
a desk-sharing configuration—are typically among an organiza- to work in the way that best meets their needs and organically
tion’s highest investments. Yet for all that money spent, we don’t form cross-functional teams—all of which allows for increased
always pay enough attention to how a company’s organizational productivity and employee satisfaction. According to a study
structure impacts employees: Do from Brandware Research, 64%
we have the right space, at the of employees who were satisfied
right time, in the right location? with their work environment
A mismanaged workplace strongly agreed with the
can impact more than just your statement “My organization
employees. It is also part of how cares about my well-being.”
your partners, suppliers, and cus- One way that Siemens
tomers view your company. But encourages collaboration in
exactly what does that mean for the NewWow sites are meet-
your bottom line? According to a ing points, which are spaces
recent study by the International outside of conference rooms
Interior Design Association (IIDA), that support ad-hoc collabora-
there is a clear correlation. One tion. Providing employees with
finding showed that half of the centralized brainstorm areas and
1,206 employees surveyed were café-style meeting places allows
satisfied with their workplace “Through New Way of Working (NewWow), them more flexibility in their
and envisioned working at the workspace while encouraging
company in the next year. Siemens’ smart office concept, open and dynamic conversa-
Creating innovative and we permit our employees to work remotely tions with co-workers.
sustainable work spaces has the and to be flexible inside of the office—
potential to take your business Ownership Culture
to the next level. Not only can it which means we can operate in a culture of Whether you work for a large
increase your employee’s produc- collaboration and trust.” global company or a small
tivity and satisfaction at work but business, every employee makes
also help make your company more eco-friendly—all while hav- a contribution to the company’s enduring success each day.
ing a positive effect on your bottom line. The following tips are With this in mind, developing ownership culture, or a culture that
some of the ways Siemens Real Estate has worked to make our encourages every individual within a company to give their best
office spaces more intelligent, dynamic, efficient, and sustainable. within their position, is critical to a company’s long-term success.
When employees take ownership of their work, they are more
Outside the Cubicle Thinking likely to think like an executive, i.e., think beyond the day-to-day
Creating a work environment that supports modern thinking and focus on strategy and long-term goals. So how can you create
is key to fostering innovation at your company and, in turn, an ownership culture? Aside from processes and management
boosting profits. This means ditching the traditional cubicle styles, a workplace environment can create this culture.
model and embracing more creative seating arrangements. Ownership culture is a critical component of Siemens’
Through New Way of Working (NewWow), Siemens’ smart office NewWow initiative. NewWow’s collaborative and open spaces
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