Page 26 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 26

Cover Story

                                             RC: What are some of the highlights     That said, building operations and
                                               within your organization in the past 12   facilities management isn’t just about
                                               months?                              keeping the lights on in the building
                                             Huaco: I came to McKesson three years   and managing the financial aspect of it;
                                               ago, attracted by the opportunity to   it’s also about creating an environment
                                               transform the real estate function and   that helps attract and retain employees.
                                               drive value through an enterprise ap-  To that end, we have adopted LEED
                                               proach. McKesson is one of the largest   and WELL certification standards for
                                               companies in the country that you may   our office and industrial buildings, and
                                               not have heard of. It is a healthcare   some of the medical buildings. We made
                                               services company that has grown in part   a decision to become the employer of
                                               through acquisitions and thus is some-  choice in certain markets and to do that
                                               what decentralized. There was a great   you should have the right facilities in the
                                               opportunity to develop more enterprise   right locations. The first thing we did was
                                               shared services, to drive cost reduction   develop a work force strategy, NOT a
                                               and improve the quality of the spaces   real estate strategy—that came later. We
                                               we’re in.                            developed a comprehensive workforce
                                                 Strategically, we’ve developed and   study to inform us where to find the
                                                adopted a ‘total cost of ownership’   best talent for certain job functions—
                                                approach, leading to an entirely different   like accounting/finance, IT functions, or
                                                set of solutions for the management of   cybersecurity. We developed functional
                                                the portfolio. What that means is that we   centers of excellence in these preferred
                                                are now accountable for
                                                the full life cycle manage-
                                                ment of McKesson’s real

            Mike Huaco - McKesson               estate assets; our goal is
                                                to use real estate as the
            Mike Huaco is the Senior Vice       enabler of the business.
            President of Corporate Real Estate   We have a strategic rela-
            at the McKesson Corporation, a      tionship with our internal
            Fortune 5 company that is one of    business partners to
            the oldest and largest health care   develop facility solutions
            companies in the nation, with a     that enable their business
            substantial global presence. Mike’s   and driver greater share-
            responsibilities include managing all   holder value.                   markets around the country to source
            aspects of the corporate real estate   This end-to-end life cycle approach   the appropriate talent. This resulted in
            function, including transactions,   drives greater value, as a building can   a migration from multiple high labor
            project management, facilities man-  be a 30 to 40-year asset. The building   cost locations to centralized centers
            agement, workplace and strategy.    phase is only 20% of an asset’s total cost   of excellence or campus hubs. We just
            He and his team manage a global     of ownership whereby the operations   opened a large campus in Irving, Texas,
            footprint that includes over 30 mil-  can be as much as 80% of the total cost   with great fanfare by the governor. It
            lion square feet in 3,000+ facilities.  of ownership. So obviously we have had   is a smart building featuring the latest
                                                a greater focus on building operations,   technology, and it will be one of the few
                                                and technology. You can attempt to save   WELL certified buildings in Texas, if not
                                                money on the front end that will cost   the only one.
                                                you significantly in the long run. There’s
                                                way more money involved in building   RC: What was the biggest challenge
                                                operations than anything else I do. The   during this process?
                                                requirements of my role have changed.   Huaco: The biggest challenge has been
                                                What I’m doing today is very different   centralizing of the facilities management
                                                from what I would have been asked to   function: maintenance, energy manage-
                                                do ten years ago—this role is not just   ment, anything to do with touching a
                                                about real estate management anymore.  building. It has allowed us to have scale

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