Page 28 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 28


          Five Reasons Your Building Isn’t as

          Secure as You Think

          Garrett Suhm
          Chief Security Officer
          5Q Partners

               uilding technology and security are often seen as an   more inbound firewall ports so the DVR is easily accessible from
               afterthought to building operations. Frequently, assump-  anywhere. This is commonly done so the building engineer can
         B tions are made that everything is secure from today’s   remotely monitor their cameras. While having remote access to
          cybersecurity threats, or the risk is low because buildings aren’t   the cameras is incredibly convenient, it is also a security threat.
          e-commerce platforms or other obvious targets. But are you real-  These DVRs are rarely patched, and outdated firmware versions
          ly secure? Many buildings have internal systems that were built in   can become easily exploited, especially when internet accessible.
          a simpler time, often with security as an afterthought—think de-
          fault passwords, unpatched control                                            #2) We Don’t Need No Stinking
          systems, and operating systems that                                           Firewall
          are no longer maintained or patched.                                          Do your properties have modern
          In a world where cybersecurity is a                                           firewalls with up-to-date patches
          daily headline, complacency for IT                                            and monitoring? Consider yourself
          operations in commercial buildings is                                         in the minority if you do. There are
          truly a false economy. While e-com-                                           many properties that simply have
          merce and data centers may get the                                            an old consumer router that hasn’t
          bulk of the attention from hackers,                                           been patched in years, or possibly
          targeting building systems can be                                             worse, just the box furnished
          easy prey for the bad guys out there.                                         by the internet provider. Those
            We have spent considerable ener-                                            boxes do a fine job providing
          gy analyzing and documenting the                                              Internet connectivity, but provide
          inner workings of building systems,   “In a world where cybersecurity is a daily   zero control over traffic and lack
          and—not surprisingly—found many   headline, complacency for IT operations     basic or advanced monitoring
          weaknesses that could be exploit-   in commercial buildings is truly          capabilities. They don’t include
          ed by hackers, compromising your                                              things like content filtering,
          systems or tenants, and creating            a false economy.”                 advanced malware protection, and
          unwanted reputational risk. The fol-                                          intrusion detection and prevention
          lowing Top Five list is comprised of actual findings encountered   (IDS/IPS). To add insult to injury, these providers by default openly
          during our efforts to secure building systems from cyber attacks.   advertise wireless access points that the public can attach to. Do
                                                                 you really want the public on your WiFi sucking up bandwidth
          #1) The Unpatched Digital Video Recorder (DVR)         and unmonitored for abuse? And if the cable company isn’t
          Building surveillance systems are incredibly common—the   trying to give away your WiFi, you can bet that someone inside
          technology is inexpensive enough that even the smallest   has tried, which leads us to:
          properties have installed cameras and other monitoring
          devices. The vendor that is responsible for installation is often   #3) Free Wi-Fi for Everyone!
          not concerned with the security implications of the digital   Wireless is a great advance which has transformed how we
          video recorder (DVR) or digital video cameras that are network   work over the last 20 years. But this convenience has created a
          accessible. We consistently see many DVRs sitting on the same   completely new security challenge. Remember that engineer
          network as other building systems. To make matters worse,   that briefly worked at your building last year? Well, he installed
          recent DVRs now have Internet-enabled features. For the   a $20 access point on your network so he could get internet
          vendor to enable these features, they typically open one or   while in the cafeteria. And now there are 50 people on your

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