Page 25 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 25

cost effective monitoring of building
          use and assets throughout a portfolio a
          real possibility for the first time.

        RC: Were there any challenges or road-
          blocks you had to overcome?
        Golan: A lack of convergence and stan-
          dardization in the IoT space has made
          it difficult for us to accumulate data at
          times. It’s hard to get the industry on the
          same page due to its size and complex-
          ity. Historically, the real estate IT industry
          didn’t focus on security and, as a result,
          most IT departments segregate their
          networks. This makes true convergence
          difficult, and this is particularly true at
          Google. Given the amount of information
          we have access to, we are hyper-vigilant
          in ensuring the integrity of our network.
          This can sometimes make it difficult
          for us to deploy new technologies that
          require network connections.
            Another challenge the industry as a
          whole faces is that many technologies
          we’d like to use on a more regular basis
          aren’t cost effective yet. This is particularly
          true in the areas of real time utilization or
          people/asset tracking. Some of Google’s
          innovations in our core product areas
          have tremendous promise to create
          breakthroughs in these domains. An   allow buildings to anticipate user needs   environment in a comprehensive and
          example I mentioned before is Tango,   so they can adapt without human inter-  granular way that wasn’t possible in the
          which allows you to three-dimensionally   vention, such as changing equipment   past. This was a missing element for the
          map a physical environment down to   settings based on existing conditions.  intelligent building. In fact, many forms
          the size of a marble with just the use of   Virtual and augmented reality   of intelligent behavior are based on pat-
          a smart phone. The good news is that   technology will become increasingly in-  tern recognition and this isn’t possible
          many of these technologies are progress-  volved in redefining what ‘place’ means.   without a rich data set.
          ing very quickly and should lead to some   AR in particular will have significant   RC: What one piece of advice would
          interesting capabilities in the near future.   impact both from an operational and   you give a corporate real estate peer
                                              user standpoint. For example, imagine   regarding digital transformation and
        RC: What are three technology/automa-  a technician being able to see through   how it impacts owning, leasing and
          tion/innovation trends you see having   ceilings or walls to inspect building el-  operating buildings?
          the most impact on the industry over   ements while simultaneously receiving   Golan: Assess how your building will be
          the next decade?                    information about the manufacturer,   able to adapt to likely changes in the
        Golan: It’s difficult to overstate the   maintenance and settings. From a user   future. All of the technologies and
          importance of Artificial Intelligence   standpoint, imagine a conference room   advancements mentioned above make
          and Machine Learning—it changes     table where some people are actually   it difficult to future proof buildings. It
          everything. Arguably the most powerful   present while others are sitting on   takes three years to build the average
          technology ever produced, AI has the   chairs virtually and it’s hard to tell the   project and we’re attempting to design
          potential to automatically fine tune   difference. This is closer to reality than   and execute structures that need to
          all aspects of building commissioning   people realize.                 remain relevant for at least 30 years. At
          and settings as well as predict or even   IoT will help drive changes by   the speed technology is moving, that is
          prevent equipment failures. It will also   allowing buildings to sense their   no small task.

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