Page 23 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 23

Cover Story                                  Leaders at the Intersection of

                                                   Corporate Real Estate, Facilities,
                                           Technology, Automation and Innovation

                                                                           anaging the real estate assets of a cor-
                                                                           poration and providing a leading-edge
                                                                           workplace is a complex task, especially
                                                                           as business processes and objectives
                                                              Mchange. Some buildings are owned, some
                                                               are leased, companies grow or shrink, some workplace
                                                               functions become outdated, costs continue to rise, and
                                                               keeping the occupants happy is an endless job.
                                                                Over the last decade, technology gains in energy
                                                               efficiency, lighting, sustainability and other systems have
                                                               become the new normal for today’s corporate smart
                                                               buildings and campuses. Improved data collection and
                                                               analysis has led to larger converged systems and an
                                                               incredible offering of automated solutions. Major invest-
                                                               ment in the newest advancements such as artificial intel-
                                                               ligence, robotics, virtual reality and automated vehicles
                                                               are opening new doors of possibility.
                                                                As we move forward, business demands keep chang-
                                                               ing and technology continues to be the impetus and
                                                               the key to that change. Information is the new currency
                                                               common to all areas, but the nature of that information
                                                               has changed. Intelligent sensor technology allows us
                                                               to analyze building usage down to the single occupant
                                                               level. Tracking technologies enhance the occupant and
                                                               user experience. Machine learning means smart build-
                                                               ings may soon self-diagnose and self-repair without
                                                               human interaction. The Internet of Things makes data
                                                               the newest utility.
                                                                The workplace as a whole is in the spotlight, as we
                                                               focus more on people and the truly connected com-
                                                               munity. Wellness initiatives for cities and workplaces put
                                                               people at the center of efforts to increase productivity
                                                               and the bottom line. The evolving needs of the custom-
                                                               er, both internal and external, drive organizational goals
                                                               as companies seek competitive advantage with lead-
                                                               ing-edge workplace strategies.
                                                                In this issue, RealcommEDGE asked our CoRE Tech
                                                               2017 Advisory Council Co-Chairmen Mark Golan of
                                                               Google and Mike Huaco of McKesson, two corporate
                                                               powerhouses, for their perspective on the rapidly chang-
                                                               ing technology landscape and how they’re managing
                                                               the twin challenges of adoption and change manage-
                                                               ment in their respective organizations.

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