Page 66 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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                              Figure 2. Rank the following potential barriers to adoption for smart building solutions – Rank #1

                while only about one-third of market participants charac-  decision makers prioritize across their organization. The
                terize themselves as experts on the concept, over 60%   same solution that can measure operational improve-
                believe adopting a smart building strategy is a competi-  ments that help facilities teams be more efficient in their
                tive differentiator. The decision makers in the commercial   repair and maintenance approaches, tracks space use
                office segment are even more bullish, with 74% reporting   to help real estate executives save on leasing and build-
                the competitive advantage of a smart building strategy.   outs, and monitor energy and demand management to
                These results indicate there is room for continued market   help sustainability leads meet their corporate climate
                education and outreach to support the majority of the   goals.
                market who understand there are significant benefits
                associated with these solutions.                     From Navigant Research’s ongoing work, we recognize
                                                                     the challenges of managing the investment, deployment,
                Commercial Office Leadership and Opportunities to    and use of smart building solutions because of the shift
                Push the Market Forward                              in expectations from human capital. For years operational
                You are a part of the leading edge in smart buildings—you   technology (OT) teams and IT teams have worked in
                are reading this article and joining the forward-thinking   isolation. As smart building approaches became familiar,
                conversations at IBcon 2019. You will hear the promise   we saw these silos break down. For many customers, the
                of smart building investments from innovators and early   process of integrating IT and OT remains daunting, if not
                adopters in real estate and explore the benefits of these   impossible. Smart building solutions providers have rec-
                investments. Our research validates this assumption, rec-  ognized this challenge and introduced a host of managed
                ognizing that the commercial office segment is leading   services and offerings to partner with owners looking to
                the charge to transform facilities into smart buildings, as   begin the journey.
                is illustrated in Figure 1.
                                                                     Pathway for Partners to Accelerate the Transformation
                Navigant Research has tracked an evolution of the smart   of Commercial Offices to Smart Buildings
                buildings market: there has been a significant shift in   Smart building solutions providers see the benefits of
                supply-side focus from technology to business cases   new customer engagements built around managed ser-
                that will help drive customer adoption. For years, energy   vices and subscription offerings—recurring revenue is a
                efficiency was the primary value proposition because of   big win for the bottom line. Figure 2 shows the additional
                the clear-cut and straightforward ROI tracked by smaller   considerations to initiate these deeper, ongoing smart
                monthly utility bills. Today, customers expect more. As   building customer engagements.
                they become more familiar with the idea of smart build-
                ings—the benefits of data-driven insight, connected sys-  The survey respondents ranked the barriers they face
                tems, and automated system optimization—the narrative   for adopting smart building solutions. The results show
                is shifting to broader business justification.       that while business disruption for installation/integration
                                                                     commonly ranked as the most significant barrier, 75% of
                The data, insights, and operational changes smart    customers are grappling with other significant barriers.
                building solutions deliver translate into metrics that key   This finding underscores the confusion in the market and


         RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd   64                                                   4/19/19   3:17 PM
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