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the uncertainty customers feel about the challenges   riences. Hear from Navigant Research, Intelligent
                in embarking on a smart buildings journey.         Buildings LLC, Anixter, and UL on how the right partner
                                                                   will guide customers through their smart buildings
                Integrators, technology providers, and consulting   journey. Help us brainstorm ideas around training,
                partners can take the perceived barriers and trans-  developing a smart building certification scheme, and
                late them into opportunities for new customer      strategies to minimize cybersecurity risks and maximize
                engagement around smart building strategy and      cross-cutting business benefits from investment.
                execution with the following recommendations:
                                                                               Casey Talon is a principal research analyst with
                1.  Refine and promote your sales pitch around                 Navigant Research, contributing to the Building
                   the business justifications that matter to buy-             Innovations program. With a background in
                   ers. Help customers navigate the vast influx of             economics, environmental science, and policy,
                   information they are receiving by focusing on the           she has deep experience as an analyst and
                   business benefits of smart building solutions.   consultant in the building technology sector. Prior to joining
                   Help them understand how their investment will   Navigant, Casey worked with both public and private sector
                   change the day-to-day tasks for their operations   clients as an analyst and consultant focused on energy
                   teams, the security of connected systems for their   efficiency, building technologies, sustainability and climate
                   IT teams, and the experience of their staff and   change. For further information:

                2.  Compile case studies, data, and customer
                   endorsements to help decision makers under-
                   stand the solutions to perceived barriers. As
                   we discovered in this survey, there are a host of
                   obstacles potential customers face when explor-
                   ing smart building investment options. Let them
                   know you understand the challenges and offer
                   real-world examples of how your customers have
                   overcome the hurdles to investment. Tell the story
                   for the full spectrum of decision makers and influ-
                   encers, from the occupants to the C-Suite.

                3.  Be pragmatic. Showcase projects that highlight
                   the promise of smart buildings, but understand
                   incremental investments that improve existing
                   buildings will bring the market forward. It is
                   important to recognize many potential custom-
                   ers still find the smart buildings market over-
                   whelming and unclear. They need to understand
                   where to start, how to tackle legacy building sys-
                   tems and old facilities, and how they can make           • Uses Cases & Roadmaps
                   incremental investments that will improve their          • Technology Evaluation & Prioritization
                   bottom line—both in the clear-cut benefits of cost       • Cybersecurity Site Assessments
                   savings and the more nuanced enhancements to
                   their brand.                                          C ONSULTING ON OVER  BILLION IN NEW DEVEL OPMENT
                                                                             CUS T OMERS WITH OVER  BILLION SQU ARE FEET
                Join us at IBcon to hear more about the research
                findings regarding the near-term outlook for smart    704.759.2700  |  Learn more
                commercial spaces and share your recent expe-


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