Page 64 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 64

•  There is content in exchanges—emails, text messages,   First steps should be to:
                  meetings, calls, conversations—that has value beyond   •  Articulate the business goals for working out loud.
                  the moment and to more people than those who are part
                  of the in-the-moment exchange.                     •  Clearly define and communicate the places designated
                                                                      for working out loud (e.g., if using O365, Yammer is the
                •  Outside of work, virtually every working professional has   company’s virtual water cooler and Teams is for defined
                  significantly changed how s/he communicates, con-   projects, departments or efforts with a beginning, end
                  verses, meets and exchanges ideas and interests over   and specific outcomes).
                  the past decade. These changes outside of work can   •  Position WOL as just a natural part of working (the same
                  have a positive impact inside the work environment.  as things we do in our personal lives every day, not
                                                                      something ‘extra’).
                •  These changes also are impacting the speed with which
                  information moves and the very nature of how we pro-  •  Set clear expectations on engagement within each
                  cess and act on information.                        place (e.g., visit Yammer daily, keep Teams open and
                                                                      check it frequently like email).
                •  What everyone inside an enterprise ‘knows’ is vastly   •  Define the benefits—‘what’s in it for me’—at both the
                  larger than what the enterprise ‘knows it knows’.   individual and enterprise levels.

                WOL First Steps                                      •  Appoint WOL champions whose goal is to initially moni-
                Ready to start working out loud? Make sure there’s a   tor and promote engagement with each place.
                solid commitment from the leadership team and a will-          Naomi Souza is the Director of Presence and Assets
                ingness to model the right behavior—senior executives          for RealFoundations. In this role she leads a global
                must work out loud themselves and encourage others to          team that supports business development, industry
                do the same. Employees, too, will need to be dedicated to      stakeholder interactions (online presence, industry
                fully exploring and trying all the capabilities of their new   events, PR and advertising) and product development
                WOL ecosystem—to be curious about and committed to   [Presence] as well as the curation of knowledge and collaboration
                figuring out how everything works.                  within the Microsoft O365 ecosystem at RF [Assets]. She is
                                                                    passionate about connections, working out loud and real estate.

                                                                  Are the right people doing the right work?

                                                                  Is the work being done the right way?

                                                                  Are you getting the right information you need to run your business?
                         Can your enterprise

                           adapt to shifting                      The answers to these and other important questions are
                                                                  essential to building an operating platform that responds
                                 markets?                         to market  uctuations without compromising your real
                                                                  estate enterprise strategy.  Start strengthening your
                                                                  platform now.


                       60% of S&P Global’s Top 25 REITs have trusted RealFoundations to deliver better outcomes. Will you be next?


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