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P. 49

SPOTLIGHT: 5G & Wireless Technologies

                5G AND THE HISTORY OF

                WIRELESS NETWORKS

                Soyola Baasan
                Managing Director

                             he in-building wireless discussion     thanks to its touted super-fast speed, high-bandwidth
                             has been going on for over a decade.   capacity, and low latency. 5G will make possible autono-
                             Whether it is enhanced cell coverage   mous vehicles, remote medical procedures, ultra-high-defi-
                             (traditionally referred to as DAS),    nition 3D videos, cutting-edge cloud computing, the
                T WiFi or the host of new applications              Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
                including building automation and IoT connectivity
                being offered by 5G and CBRS, the interest of the   Let’s take a step back to remember how cellular wireless
                Commercial and Corporate Real estate industry       technology has evolved over the years. The first-genera-
                grows daily.                                        tion cellular network, known as 1G, was deployed in the
                                                                    early 1980s. This analog technology was cutting edge at
                Fifth-generation cellular network technology—5G     the time—surpassing radio phones, walkie talkies, and
                for short—is a very hot topic these days. As history   amateur ham radios as a superior alternative for mobile
                shows, mobile technology undergoes an evolutionary   communication. But it wasn’t perfect. Those who could
                leap every decade or so, and we are on the cusp of   afford to plunk down $4,000 in the ‘80s for a Motorola
                the most consequential one yet. The hype surround-  DynaTAC (aka brick phone) could only make sporadic
                ing 5G has been intensifying and the drumbeat will   voice calls due to unreliable network coverage. But it didn’t
                continue to crescendo. Just like previous leaps, 5G   matter at the time. Carrying a mobile phone was a status
                promises monumental improvements to existing        symbol and people wanted a piece of it.
                mobile networks and revolutionary new applications


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