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The buildings are all interconnected by a high-speed This approach is moving toward the 3P model—people,
fiber-optic infrastructure that supports the needs of place, and purpose—to make an intelligent building effec-
business tenants, retailers, restaurateurs, and the pub- tive from day one. Lendlease also ensured that property
lic. Barangaroo’s building systems are based on Open managers understand the technology and how it works.
Building System Integration (OBSI), which enables tight
integration among systems and business processes But what really makes Barangaroo stand out is that is
across buildings, tenants, building-management teams, the building-management technologies are effectively
engineering, and commissioning teams and contractors. integrated with the tenant systems, providing a tightly
More than 100 unique stakeholders use the system daily integrated, single access-control ecosystem. In other
to manage, monitor, and run analytics on mission-critical words, the tenants’ business processes now are inte-
processes and data. The technology can be configured grated with the BMS, with the expected outcome of
for individual login restrictions and user-access policies. greater tenant retention. This was no accident: Lendlease
developed Barangaroo using a strategic approach to
What differentiates Barangaroo is that Lendlease intelligent-building thinking.
designed and commissioned the waterfront complex to
operate, rather than leaving it to the facility managers The Intelligence Space Framework:
to figure out how to operate the buildings. Following a What’s Your Building’s IQ?
“Design to Operate” model, intelligence was factored into One significant challenge facing developers is that a
the early stages of the project, and the operations teams standard language and framework for smart buildings
were involved in the design in the early stages as well. does not yet exist. To bring clarity to the lexicon, we
RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd 45 4/19/19 3:17 PM