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Intelligent Buildings


                WHAT’S YOUR BUILDING’S IQ?

                ROSS MILLER                                         Swipe Left: Matching in the Built World
                Chief Executive Officer Asia Pacific Region         Developers first need to determine the level of intelli-
                CohnReznick Australia Pty Limited                   gence each individual property requires. There is no
                                                                    one-size-fits-all solution, so owners and investors should
                VINCENT DERMODY                                     match the underlying technology platform to the require-
                Managing Director Asia Pacific Region               ments of each development.
                CohnReznick Australia Pty Limited
                                                                    One variable, for example, is that tenants and customers
                                                                    will have different expectations based on location. They
                ONGOING DIGITIZATION HAS SPURRED significant        will assume that a premium-grade asset in Sydney’s central
                demand for connected buildings around the world, and   business district (CBD) has a more advanced level of intel-
                Australian developers are rising to the challenge. In   ligence than a B-grade asset in the suburbs. A-grade CBD
                recent years, the country has become a leading force in   buildings attract sophisticated tenants with high expecta-
                the development of smart-building complexes.        tions of an optimal digital experience. These organizations
                                                                    typically have a higher adoption of alternative workplace
                In large part, that’s because Australian workers expect   solutions and co-working spaces, which offer robust tech-
                advanced digital services, thanks to the high adoption of   nology services that are interactively integrated with tradi-
                alternative workplaces such as activity-based working. At   tional building systems. Facilities must be smarter
                the same time, the highly securitized commercial-prop-  to compete.
                erty market has resulted in long-term hold strategies that
                demand yield performance. Investment managers are   It’s also essential to factor in the preferences of tenants who
                focused on bottom-line returns, of course, but they also   occupy the buildings. Today, digitally adept Millennials are
                understand the value of being sustainable.          the largest generation in the workforce, and their technology
                                                                    expectations have become mainstream. Yet, they will soon
                However, smart-building projects like those Down Under   be eclipsed by even more technically sophisticated Gen
                will not guarantee above-par results without first garner-  Z workers, who will expect to be better connected, coor-
                ing a clear understanding of business requirements and   dinated, and orchestrated. Companies competing for the
                goals. As market leaders move to embrace smart initia-  talent of the future must offer intelligent workspaces that
                tives, developers, owners, operators, property managers,   meet the preferences of these truly digital natives.
                and investors must move to understand the importance
                of developing a coordinated strategy across a portfolio   Who’s Pushing Tech Further?
                of properties to deliver on the experience demanded in   A State-of-the-Art Smart Case Study
                today’s connected world.                            One of the recent examples of a smart development is
                                                                    Barangaroo, a meticulously designed 54-acre complex
                The way to most effectively achieve smart building ROI   overlooking the Sydney Harbour. The $6 billion urban-re-
                is by starting with an Intelligent Space (IS) strategy.   newal project is being developed and built by Lendlease,
                Intelligent Spaces use technology to realize outcomes and   a multinational property developer that is headquartered
                drive interactions, not only within the place but also with   in Barangaroo. It’s a complex of state-of-the-art smart
                the people moving through the space and its purpose. The   buildings that include three main commercial towers,
                emphasis on people, place, and purpose—the 3P model—   three 10-story residential buildings, and several multi-use
                is what differentiates intelligence from mere smartness.  buildings.


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