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Business Solutions

                ANALYTICS AT THE EDGE

                MARC PETOCK
                Chief Communications Officer & VP, Marketing

                ONE OF THE PRIMARY appeals of IoT within the built   work—close to the things that are the source of the data,
                environment is the ability to connect to existing data-rich   such as sensors, controllers, equipment, and machines
                devices and equipment for greater analysis and insight   residing in a building, campus, and or control rooms.
                into their operation and performance. Over the past cou-  Also known as distributed analytics, it means analytics
                ple of years, we have seen clear movement toward com-  is performed at the point where (or very close to where)
                puting and intelligence to the edge. With it, the industry   the data is collected (at the device level) rather than
                is moving towards a distributed data architecture where   requiring it be sent back to the Cloud before any value
                multiple nodes work together to perform analytics at   can be derived.
                the edge.
                                                                                                    We recognize that
                Computing and ana-                                                                  the ever-increasing
                lytics are increasingly                                                             flow of data and ana-
                beginning to reside                                                                 lytics must be man-
                at the equipment                                                                    aged more efficiently
                and device sources,                                                                 to optimize infor-
                enabling data to be                                                                 mation utilization,
                generated faster, more                                                              reduce costs, and
                efficiently and more                                                                improve business
                reliably than ever                                                                  performance. Edge
                before. The ongoing                                                                 analytics clearly
                evolution of micro-pro-                                                             offers many bene-
                cessing technology                                                                  fits. By incorporating
                has meant that suffi-                                                               analytics at the edge,
                cient computing power                                                               facility management
                to perform the heavy                                                                operations can rap-
                lifting of data analysis                                                            idly accelerate pro-
                can now be performed                                                                cesses, reduce data
                directly onboard the                                                                storage and data
                devices themselves.                                                                 transfer costs and
                This evolution is happening because of the need to   improve system resilience and performance.
                streamline the amount and types of data, reduce latency
                and manage bandwidth, reduce the amount of data     The flexibility and power of edge devices makes them
                sent to the cloud, reduce complexity, decrease network,   useful in a wide variety of applications and built envi-
                improve system response time, and decrease potential   ronments. By offering facility owners and operators an
                failure points. The result is the advent of Edge Analytics.  opportunity to improve data processing and analytics
                                                                    locally at the device level, edge devices are an attractive
                What is Edge Analytics? It’s an approach that provides   tool for facilities of all shapes and sizes. For these rea-
                analytics at the point of data collection, on devices   sons, these devices will continue to drive change in the
                themselves and in the gateways at the edge of the net-  built environment over the next decade.


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