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Intelligent Buildings


                CONTROL, AND PROTECT


                SMART BUILDINGS

                JEFFREY HUSSEY
                Tempered Networks

                COMMERCIAL AND CORPORATE REAL ESTATE practi-        dencies that create long deployment times and are fragile
                tioners are bullish on applying the latest technologies for   to maintain.
                building automation systems (BAS) with an eye on slash-
                ing energy costs, increasing operational efficiency, and   It’s time to remove the complexity, cost, and inflexibility
                improving building maintenance and operations. The ROI   caused by traditional networking and security methods,
                for BAS technology is substantial, tangible, and we’re just   which are really stone-age tools in today’s world. Current IT
                hitting the tip of the iceberg. That makes investing in BAS   networking practices actually undermine successful BAS
                technologies a no-brainer, right? With such high expecta-  deployments. During one of our recent webinars, a sys-
                tions across the board, why are we still witnessing delays   tems integrator chimed in with the question below, which
                in adoption?                                        unfortunately is quite common due to the networking
                                                                    hurdles they continually face.
                After decades of working with technology—creating new
                companies and carving new markets—I’ve seen a broad    “My customer has various building control system
                spectrum of trends and hype that come and go. Today,   devices they want us to monitor remotely. Due to
                whether you call it smart buildings, intelligent buildings   IT restrictions, the customer got his own dirty IP
                or Internet of buildings, we’re in a transformative and   addresses (a common, albeit unsecure, solution). But
                exciting time for this market. It’s certainly real—not hype.   now he’s lost his admin credentials for the network
                But it’s still early in the process, because while there’s an   router and can’t add new devices or otherwise manage
                incredible amount of BAS innovation happening, custom-  his BMS network. Can you help?”    BAS Technician
                ers cannot easily leverage all these technologies and tap
                their full potential until we address a critical element in   The root cause of the connectivity conundrum
                our journey to hyper-connected buildings. Namely, how   The root cause of convoluted networking stems from the
                can we efficiently and reliably network all these distrib-  use of TCP/IP, which was developed about 35 years ago
                uted building control systems, sensors, unconventional   and is quite long in the tooth. The principle behind TCP/
                devices, and legacy systems? And, once we do, how is it   IP is to be able to easily and reliably connect everything.
                sustainable and secure?                             It’s better in concept than in actual application. When
                                                                    you can connect everything, you are inviting trouble.
                Traditional approaches to networking and security such   Hackers, cyber-criminals and government sponsored
                as VPNs, VLANS, firewalls, ACLs, etc., are not well-suited   electronic espionage have proliferated as the Internet
                for the growth and scale of smart building technology.   has grown and as almost every system on earth has
                For most facility managers and practitioners, it’s foreign   become connected.
                and too complicated, creating impassable deployment
                barriers. The value of smart building data is frequently   The fundamental flaw within TCP/IP is that it combines
                hampered by customers’ complex legacy networks and   location and identity in a single address, using what we
                security infrastructure. We see too many network depen-  refer as an ‘address defined’ networking model. This cre-


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