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Tech Perspective @ The EDGE

                DAMIEN WU, CIO

                            Damien Wu is the Chief Information Officer
                            at Link Asset Management Limited, with
                            over 20 years of IT management, consulting
                            and startup experience. He is responsible
                            for the formulation of IT strategy as well as
                the management of all IT functions of Link. Prior to joining
                Link, he had held senior IT management roles at various
                multinational consulting firms and local conglomerates,
                including Avanade (a Microsoft and Accenture JV) and
                Orange Sky Golden Harvest. He was also the co-founder/
                CTO of two successful IT startups in Hong Kong,
                Resources Link Ltd. (A JV with China Resources) and
                Wisers Information Ltd.

                How has technology evolved at Link?
                Although Link is the largest REIT in Asia, we’re actually   EC Mall, Haidian District, Beijing
                a very young company, just a bit over 10 years old. It
                was actually transformed from a public asset to a REIT   department to focus on enhancing our interactions with
                which had no precedent in Hong Kong. When Link was   consumers. One of the CEM’s initiatives was to develop
                set up, we inherited the shopping centers as well as aged   our own consumer app, called Park & Dine, which we
                computer systems from the government. For the first   launched in 2015, and have been improving continuously
                few years, therefore, we focused on improving internal   ever since. It offers a full range of features, from checking
                business processes and controls, and updating all the   parking space availability to queuing for the more popular
                systems.                                             restaurants in our centers before you arrive, and it offers
                                                                     shopping advice and e-coupons.
                When I joined Link eight years ago, there wasn’t even an
                Enterprise Resource Planning System, and there were   The other area we initially focused on was our shopping
                isolated systems for functions like accounting, rent roll,   facilities. While the company is quite young, the prop-
                jobs and purchase orders. There were challenges in find-  erties that we own and operate are up to 30 or 40 years
                ing a good solution, as the available products were not   old. As we renovate these properties, more and more
                really designed for Asia, which is a unique market. We   digital devices—from different sensors to digital panels,
                eventually selected Yardi and worked with their service   cameras, smart vending machines and network devices—
                team to localize the systems for Hong Kong. After that,   are being added. These Internet of Things (IoT) devices
                we also developed our own procurement management     generate a wealth of useful data, so we began to manage
                system and implemented a leasing CRM system based on   all the data centrally and strategically to create more
                Microsoft’s CRM.                                     modern, connected centers, and to better understand our
                What were the next steps?
                After stabilizing internal systems and processes, we   We are also about to complete our first major develop-
                moved on to focus on two areas. The first was consum-  ment project, a Grade A office and commercial complex
                er-based applications. This coincided with our strategic   called The Quayside located in the rapidly developing
                plan to expand outside of Hong Kong into mainland    Kowloon East neighborhood of Hong Kong. It has been
                China. In China, e-commerce is very hot—people are a lot   really an opportunity for us to plan all these building tech-
                more tech-savvy in terms of e-payment and consumer   nologies from scratch. Given the vast amount of network
                apps, so there was an impetus for moving into that area.   and digital devices in our new or renovated buildings, we
                It started with an organizational restructuring where   are also in the process of redesigning our operation pro-
                we set up a Consumer Experience Management (CEM)     cesses to cater to this new digital era.


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