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What are your highest priority technology initiatives?
                As technology matures, there is a lot we can do to improve
                the quality of our services. Over the next two years, we’re
                developing a corporate-wide facility management system.
                This involves all teams, from property management to
                project and development. The main driver for us is IoT and   Stanley Plaza, Stanley, Hong Kong
                mobile technologies, which have made it more feasible
                to track an asset’s life cycle, to record maintenance work   particularly in Hong Kong, as homes are small and people
                details and other intelligence involving the assets. This not   prefer to go out and meet friends. We have been doing
                only allows for better preventive maintenance, but also   pilots involving these new technologies to enhance the
                better quality of the overall facilities and planning.  shopping experience in our properties.

                Another priority relates to data analytics. Different depart-  Another trend is how technology creates a seamless
                ments have accumulated considerable data over the    experience for customers. We are facilitating how people
                years, residing in different systems. We have now devel-  pay for merchandise and parking. For example, in Asia
                oped a comprehensive analytics platform to consolidate   you often need to pay for parking after visiting a shopping
                data, which we make available to our research team as   center, and you need to redeem your shopping receipt for
                well as analysts in different departments. We have also   free parking. But with an app, you can be recognized as a
                had some early success with artificial intelligence (AI) and   member at the gate and skip those extra steps. The app
                big data analytics that we applied to our car park data to   aligns the process with transactions so you are automati-
                optimize the utilization of parking spaces and increase   cally charged or offered free parking. To the customer, the
                revenue. We will continue to focus on analytics to better   convenience is an important value proposition. As a shop-
                understand our customers and optimize our operations.  ping mall owner, we have to understand customer behav-
                                                                     ior, which will enable us to improve our service offerings
                We’ve also put much effort into cyber and data security.   over time.
                Our management team is focused on this topic because
                the number of devices that we are responsible for has   Do you have any advice to share with other CIOs who
                increased in magnitude. Link is a member of the Smart   are trying to include better and more valuable technol-
                City Consortium in Hong Kong; and I’m the chairman of the   ogy for their companies?
                Consortium committee. We are putting together best prac-  One experience to share would be the value of working with
                tice guidelines as well as technical guidelines that should   startups. The business culture in Hong Kong is different
                improve industry performance, and perhaps influence our   than in the U.S. Here, big corporates such as Link can have
                vendors to strengthen security protection for these devices.  stringent procurement requirements and rules that discour-
                                                                     age us from working with small vendors. Two years ago,
                What are some of the major trends affecting your indus-  we started an initiative to work with startups as part of our
                try over the next three years?                       sustainability program. By giving opportunities to startups,
                The major industry trends in the near term are virtual   we can help them and the community grow. However, as
                reality, augmented reality and AI. These technologies   we engaged with these companies, we realized that Link
                really excite us. The way people use shopping centers   also benefited a lot: by inspiring our team, encouraging us
                is changing, which is good for us and our business. In   to think out of the box and helping us see what is achiev-
                Mainland China we call it the “new retail phenomenon.”   able with technology. We even organized our own PropTech
                In Hong Kong we call it “experiential shopping.” With the   accelerator program last year with Hong Kong Science and
                rise of e-commerce, people can shop without going to a   Technology Parks Corporation and received very good feed-
                shopping center. Thus, visiting a shopping center is more   back. It is indeed a win-win situation for large enterprises to
                about enjoying the time spent in a social gathering place,   work with innovative entrepreneurs.


         RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd   43                                                           10/4/18   3:00 PM
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