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you can imagine, as the company grew and changed and
we went in and out of different lines of business, our chart
of accounts did not elegantly evolve. We had to convert all
of our data to align with the new chart of accounts and take
into account any systems that we had that are integrated
with our JD Edwards system. We did an upgrade to the
current version of JD Edwards and moved to a new data-
center that specialized in JD Edwards hosting and manage-
ment. We selected and implemented a new reporting tool:
ReportsNow. We selected and implemented a new budgeting
and forecasting system; we chose Argus Enterprise. We
implemented JD Edwards Job Cost, which we owned but
had not used for a number of years. Then we made a large
number of process improvements to take advantage of the rogue machinery or actors connecting to our corporate
new functionality in the upgraded JD Edwards system. It was network. We’re also taking a very deep dive into our data
a tremendous effort but also a tremendous accomplishment assets and making sure we absolutely understand where
for our company to complete that change in a short period. everything is kept to ensure protection. We continue to
evaluate if we’re detecting for the right things, and that
What is your highest priority technology initiative in we have very strong business continuity capabilities so
2018 and what are the drivers behind that decision? that if something occurs, we’re able to get that data back
A key objective in 2018 is to ensure we continue to take very quickly, with the most recent information possible.
advantage of all of the good things we have put into place The threat landscape is constantly changing so we have
as part of Project REnovation. The initial feedback we to focus on continuous improvement and be willing to
received at the end of 2017 was that it is now easier to change our priorities as needed.
access our information. People were starting to get used
to the new chart. They began to see the kind of reporting It is certainly our cyber focus to address not only our inter-
we can get: we can see information from a forecasting nal data but also the Internet of Things and the built envi-
standpoint quicker and easier. This year the focus is to ronment—ensuring that we are putting the right protections
really take advantage of this foundation, to take informa- in place so we don’t have issues with a parking system, or
tion internally and externally and use it to further analyze an HVAC system, or with a non-human managed security
and better our business. Whether it’s leasing or messag- system, for example. Those sorts of things are all different
ing to Wall Street or acquisition strategies; all these are potential points of entry. We work very closely with our real
being driven by the process changes we’ve put into place estate services team and property management teams to
and our ability to access and analyze meaningful data ensure that we have the right alignment.
quickly and easily. This has been a primary part of my job.
What would you share with other CIOs?
I have spearheaded the creation of the “Information Into Any words of advice?
Insights” team, or I3 as we call it. It’s a cross-functional I have known many of my fellow CIOs for quite some time
team of director-level and above in the organization. and they’re all so good at what they do. I have great admira-
We meet weekly, focusing on improving data, improving tion for the challenges they face and the creative solutions
processes, discussing what’s working, what’s not working. that they bring to the table. I think we all have slightly differ-
We just had an I3 meeting where we discussed our quar- ent needs in working for different types of companies; this
ter close and how the information is coming faster, easier group is always so willing to help each other and I’m very
and much more efficiently. We are starting to spend more appreciative of that. I would say that my role changes all the
time on analysis rather than gathering information. It is a time and I think the role of the CIO, whether in real estate or
measurable improvement from a year ago. another industry—you have to be willing to change to meet
what your company and your industry needs from you.
You mentioned cyber, an important topic for everyone.
Can you share initiatives in that area? I look at my role as bringing people together to help ben-
It has started to hit on all cylinders as far as taking all the efit the company, whether that means bringing people
solutions that we had and putting them into a really com- from different departments together or bringing people
prehensive cyber program, which I’m very proud of. One from outside, a vendor or partner company—providing
of the things that we are rolling out this year is further that perspective to people on the inside. These connec-
enhancing network access control. Continuing to improve tions enable us to learn, to grow and to make our share-
is important for making sure we don’t have any sort of holders, tenants, and employees successful.
RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd 39 10/4/18 3:00 PM