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ates an inherent openness across all networked things, complexity and constraints that make secure network-
consequently resulting in a lack of security. Simply put, the ing almost impossible. It enables us to define network
security problem is caused by TCP/IP’s use of a connected trust relationships by identity at the machine or device
device’s address to serve the dual purpose of identifying level, with traditional IP addressing for location across
the device, as well as providing its location on the network. the Internet. It makes direct device-to-device connec-
This results in a network vulnerability that is very visible to, tions possible, even if devices are located in buildings
and easily spoofed by, hackers anywhere in the world. on opposite sides of the world, in building networks you
don’t control, or in multiple cloud providers. HIP-enabled
Over time, technologists introduced today’s commonplace networking allows us to transition from address-defined
solutions like firewalls, VPNs, VLANs, NAC, etc., to secure networking to a much needed ‘identity defined’ network-
and segment network access, but that has evolved into ing model. It provides a secure and non-disruptive way to
a patchwork of inflexible and complicated systems with instantly connect, segment, and cloak building controls
a growing attack surface. By using antiquated IT based from anywhere—without having to modify existing cus-
technologies that are not designed for the challenges of tomer networks.
legacy and modern building controls, you can inadver-
tently expose attack vectors to any BACnet environment. Facilitating hyper-connected buildings
without constraints
Fast, simple, and secure smart building networks HIP-enabled networking is a game changer that benefits
The good news is that network technology innovation has any organization with smart building initiatives. With facil-
recently taken a major leap forward, addressing some of ity managers already being tasked to do more with less,
the most perplexing connectivity and security challenges rising cybersecurity threats, and growing budget con-
facing anyone dealing with BAS projects. Without getting straints, here’s how this modern approach to networking
too geeky, it’s important to understand the basics of this can help:
modern approach to networking to truly grasp the busi-
ness value. It starts with a protocol called HIP, or Host • Rapidly and cost-effectively connect, segment, and
Identity Protocol, which is a standard network security protect building automation systems, while eliminating
protocol that was born from many years of development, network attack vectors across any customer network,
testing, and deployment in co-ordination with companies transport, or cloud platform.
such as Ericsson, Nokia, and Verizon, as well as stan- • Deploy and provision resources 10x faster than
dards bodies such as the Trusted Computing Group and alternatives for a quarter of the cost with no additional
IEEE 802, before being officially ratified in 2015 by the headcount.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
• Easily create private, wide-area LANs without requiring
HIP eliminates the dual purpose of the IP address so it IT staff to modify existing infrastructure.
no longer serves as both machine identity and location. • Eliminate broadcast storms that can cause BAS
The separation of location and identity eliminates the downtime and hinder performance.
RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd 49 10/4/18 3:00 PM