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Tech Perspective @ The EDGE

                AARON PAIS, CIO, MORGUARD                           parties; (d) a Control structure with rigorous change con-
                                                                    trol and approval gates that kept scope changes in check;
                            Aaron Pais is CIO at Morguard, a fully inte-  (e) a Robust Change Management and Communications
                            grated real estate company with an owned   plan, which got everyone onboard right from the start and
                            and managed portfolio of total assets val-  included a training program to ensure that employees could
                            ued at $21.7 billion. His diverse leadership   get the best out of the new system; (f) a Comprehensive
                            experience includes leveraging technology   readiness plan that ensured that the business was ready to
                to drive organizational growth, performance and profit-  adopt the new system prior to go-live; and (g) a post go-live
                ability at some of North America’s largest fully integrated   Hypercare period where ‘super users’ were integrated into
                residential and commercial real estate investment, devel-  the support structure to ensure that the changes were thor-
                opment, construction and asset/portfolio management   oughly adopted by our staff.
                                                                    I was subsequently asked to take on the CIO role at
                Tell us about your technology journey at Morguard.  Morguard and I am currently more than halfway through
                I was brought in at the start of 2017 to manage the   a complete Service Delivery Transformation of the
                execution of an ERP implementation program; it was   groups under my umbrella. This exercise began with the
                a strategically critical, highly visible initiative and the   development of a Target Operating model and aligned
                largest transformation ever undertaken at the com-  organizational structure to ensure that we could deliver
                pany. It was successful and we were recognized by our   services both efficiently and effectively. With the Roles &
                industry at Realcomm with a Digie Award for Best Use   Responsibilities defined, a transformation roadmap was
                of Automation, as one of the largest companies to ever   then crafted to transition our employees into the new tar-
                                                                    get structure. As part of this transformation, Operational
                                                                    Technology (OT) systems was also added to my port-
                                                                    folio. This includes property level technologies such as
                                                                    Base Building Networks, Building Automation Systems,
                                                                    Cameras, Access Control, Traffic Counters, Digital Meters,
                                                                    and more.

                                                                    Tell us a bit more about this process
                                                                    and your priorities for 2018.
                                                                    Following the ERP implementation and the Service
                                                                    Delivery Transformation, our objective is to continue
                                                                    standardizing on platforms that optimize operations and
                                                                    customer experience. The drivers are to maximize cost
                                                                    effectiveness, enable quicker decision making, enhance
                                                                    our organizational agility and improve business out-

                                                                    We have initiated an Asset Inventory and categorization
                achieve a cross-border, full suite Yardi implementation   exercise. This exercise will be completed by our con-
                of commercial and multi-suite residential modules in the   verged IT-OT team in psartnership with volunteers from
                same environment.                                   our Operations groups. The goals of this exercise are to
                                                                    identify opportunities to reduce operating costs and bud-
                The success of the program can be tied to (a) a Strong   geted capital expenditures through vendor and solution
                Executive Sponsor that actively worked to remove road-  consolidation, and the development of “fit for purpose”
                blocks; (b) the Agile Program Office that kept multiple work-  product mixes across our asset classes. The savings
                stream teams and vendors focused on our goal via weekly   generated from this exercise will subsequently be re-in-
                dashboards and risk review meetings; (c) Effective gover-  vested to drive innovative solutions for the business and
                nance, with clearly identified roles and responsibilities for all   enhance customer experience.


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