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to be perceived as the difficult employee. But not having
what you need to work effectively and, perhaps worse,
not knowing how to get what you need can sow dissat-
isfaction. This is why apps like the one used by WeWork
is important to help a person curate their own work
experience. The success of these platforms is driving
many enterprises to prioritize delivering the same central
but agile experience in their own corporate offices.
Whether you work in a co-working site or in your
company’s office, employees have a strong desire to
move around, find a conference room, or just huddle
with fellow employees. However, the ability to find an
open desk or conference room does not easily exist.
Companies like Teem, SpaceIQ, and Robin are providing
software and employee apps that put these capabilities
into employees’ hands. You can reserve a spot for
yourself in the moment or in advance, searching your
screen for that day’s prime real estate, or to identify a Optimizing the Smart
free huddle room. This not only helps you have the best
experience, but it lets your coworkers know where to Digital Workplace
contact you for assistance on a project. It also provides a
central place for feedback and functional requests, such
as replacing a lightbulb.
Data is Priority
How your users navigate your technology is important, but
you need to do something with this data. The back end of
these systems is crucial for facilities, human resources,
and IT departments. It not only tells you how individuals
are doing, but the company and space as a whole. Performance issues may arise based on where and
how an employee is working; even the smallest details,
Because real estate and office sites are looked at like using a standing desk regularly, can help managers
as expense heavy, unavoidable resources, the data understand their teams better.
gathered from a Space-as-a-Service managed workplace
platform allows you to get more from your investment— Evolution Never Ends
or determine what must change. The data users are The modern workplace will never stagnate, nor do we
providing gives you a picture of how frequently (or not) suspect it’ll return to cubicles and corner offices. As
office areas are being used, and when. Whereas in the much as individuals enjoy variety in their careers, moving
past, businesses may rent out (or let sit vacant) unused between jobs faster than any other generation, they also
space—now they can transform it. enjoy variety in their work day. It is up to employers to
make these options available for their teams—and learn
If the data shows that members of the marketing team from each user’s experience.
prefer to work at communal tables or hold a lunchtime
meeting every day, you can create more communal space Jeff Revoy is a senior executive with leadership
to guarantee their daily satisfaction. Data might tell you achievements spanning all company operations.
about an overlooked design flaw, like putting a reading Beyond deep functional expertise, Jeff has
nook near the office’s entrance—leading to a distracting strengths in establishing successful company
and, therefore under-utilized area. It also gives you a sense strategies, building and resizing organizations,
of how many of your employees like to work in a particular and motivating teams. He possesses significant international/
location (within the office or within a city). This will drive global experience and has been actively involved in M&A as both
your future real estate decisions if you analyze the data. target and acquirer. He recently co-founded his third company,
SpaceIQ, which offers a powerful and intuitive workplace
The human resources team may see a pattern in management platform for companies of every size. Customers
employees that needs to be addressed or encouraged. include Tesla, SnapChat, WeWork, Glassdoor, Lyft and more.
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