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On the Cover
As IoT Smart Building Program Director, Srini Khandavilli
currently owns the worldwide strategy, roadmap and
implementation of IoT SMART buildings at Intel, where he
has been for the last 18 years. His background includes
managing large global software teams, software archi-
tecture, applications and middleware. He collaborates
closely with Intel’s Internet of Things group to ensure that
the hardware and software assets deliver services meet-
ing the needs of the SMART Building use cases at Intel.
Tell us about your role at Intel.
I come from an IT background, and in 2015 I led the IT
team that created Intel’s first IoT-enabled smart building in
Bangalore, India. The office building is a 10-story, 630,000 sq.
ft. structure that was outfitted with approximately 9,000 sen-
sors used to track and optimize temperature, lighting, energy
consumption, and occupancy in the building. The sensors,
of which 70 percent are in the ceiling, provide 24/7 real-time
data. Analytics is run on the data gathered from sensors
to generate actionable insights for our facilities team. This One of the biggest risks I see as we proliferate edge
building implementation has become a showcase for Intel technology is the increase in the number of vendors who
and has propelled a lot of our smart building initiatives. will now have access to your network. Everything is so
interconnected these days and IoT implementations can
Following that project, I decided to move to the corporate be particularly susceptible. Essentially, I want secure,
services side of the business where I could lead strategy zero-touch provisioning of on-boarding and maintenance.
and smart building implementation at scale. My role now That’s my goal with edge nodes. I think it’s going to be a
is essentially marrying the company’s real estate and game-changer from our vulnerability risk perspective.
business needs to technology capabilities.
Continuing our corporate site improvements and pilots,
What major technology projects have you been working another project I’m excited about is our newest building in
on over the last 12 months? India, the SRR4 building. SRR4 goes live in November, and
We are deeply committed to cybersecurity. As edge nodes we are hoping it’s the smartest building in Intel’s portfo-
become more intelligent, the security problem is exacer- lio. We are implementing a huge set of use cases via an
bated—more intelligent edge nodes mean more software intuitive app that seamlessly connects employees directly
is deployed, increasing vulnerabilities. One of the projects to their building and empowers them to control aspects of
I’m working on is with an Intel product called Secure their workplace environment including temperature, light-
Device Onboarding (SDO), which is being deployed on ing, meeting rooms, and more. It’s probably the first time
all the gateways we are using in the future. This product this user centric approach will have been done at scale.
guarantees the identity of devices and eliminates pass-
words, so all updates of either application software or OS We’re trying to come up with very innovative ways to use
happen automatically. our infrastructure. For example, we have smart lighting
RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd 22 10/4/18 3:00 PM