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                WeWork IS REVOLUTIONIZING



                JEFF REVOY                                          company’s office-related data in one place and the human
                Chief Commercial Officer                            resource team monitors the data to better understand
                SpaceIQ                                             employee satisfaction.

                WHEN WE CONSIDER AN OFFICE, we traditionally think   When we talk about an office being agile and experiential,
                of it as a physical space: a building or floor and the   what we’re really talking about is the needs of your workforce.
                tables, chairs, filing cabinets, and other furniture that   No two employees are the same, nor is one person the same
                fill it; an office is an entirely physical entity rather than   on Monday as they are on Tuesday. Each day and each
                an interactive space. But with the rising popularity of   person pose new challenges for which a business must be
                space-management businesses like WeWork, the idea of   equipped. This might include the option to work remotely or
                the traditional corporate office is shifting away from real   in a satellite office; it may also include a choice between a
                estate and facilities toward agility and experience.  standing or sitting desk, couch or quiet room.

                                                                    Be a Little Needy
                                                                    Catering to every employee’s individual needs can seem
                                                                    exceedingly difficult and cost prohibitive—unless you
                                                                    have the data and technology to make it happen. The
                                                                    reason WeWork is such a popular place for individuals
                                                                    to work is their effective use of data and technology to
                                                                    create a fun, compelling experience. Every aspect of a
                                                                    person’s experience in their facilities is managed through
                                                                    an app; it begins when the individual enters, signaling
                                                                    that their membership is active that day. It continues on
                                                                    to track which desks and conference areas are popular
                                                                    among particular people or businesses; their frequency
                                                                    of use in both number of days and times of day; and how
                                                                    frequently they move between the different locations
                                                                    around the world.

                                                                    It may feel invasive, knowing when and where an individual
                                                                    is sitting and how often, but this data allows companies
                So too, has the department responsible for workspace   using similar Space-as-a-Service models to improve users’
                management changed. In the past, a facilities manager   daily lives. But first, users need to feel empowered to
                focused on the tangible items; now IT and human     make their own decisions.
                resource departments are involved in how space is
                serving a company and its workforce. Facilities managers   The User as Master
                will continue to manage the physical aspects in an office,   It’s sometimes an awkward process for an employee to
                while IT team members will build systems that keep all the   express their workspace needs—most people do not want


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