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On the Cover

                JARED SUMMERS



                                                                     Speed: With technology rapidly changing, having the ability
                                                                     to quickly test on a small scale at low cost and speed is

                                                                     Inclusion: I drive the team towards inclusion and collabo-
                                                                    ration not only across E&PS, but also across the broader
                                                                    corporation. There are many similarities between E&PS’s
                                                                    operations and the technology enablers that could benefit
                                                                    the rest of the corporation. With this mindset, I have suc-
                                                                    cessfully positioned our organization as a digital innova-
                                                                    tion hub for the rest of ExxonMobil. We also include our
                                                                    IT, Procurement, Legal and end users who understand the
                                                                    business from the beginning to ensure our requirements
                                                                    are sound. This cross-functionality enables speed and
                                                                    allows the teams to manage expectations and to mitigate
                                                                    potential issues down the road.

                                                                    Scale: E&PS manages a global portfolio, thus, any capa-
                Jared Summers is the Data, Analytics & Technology   bility we evaluate has to be scalable and reliable across
                Manager at ExxonMobil, delivering on the promise of   our entire portfolio.
                transformational change enabled by digital technologies
                across the entire global real estate portfolio. He has   Relationships: Having the organization’s trust is para-
                extensive experience managing large-scale global pro-  mount; ensuring we deliver on the promise and commu-
                grams. Jared brings a unique ability to understand and   nicate effectively gives us the support required to drive
                articulate complex technologies in a relatable way while   change. My team has been delivering these capabilities,
                rapidly fielding innovative capabilities.           which allows greater freedom to innovate and push
                                                                    boundaries with new technology. We have also developed
                Tell us about your role within your organization.   relationships across ExxonMobil, with our strategic part-
                I am the Data, Analytics & Technology Manager within   ners and the industry for best practice sharing—so that
                our Environmental and Property Solutions (E&PS) orga-  we are aware of priorities and changes in the market.
                nization. This role in our corporate real estate group is
                focused on delivering the promise of transformational   What were the major technology projects you started or
                change enabled by digital technologies across the entire   completed in the last 12 months?
                E&PS value stream. My role is to have a firm understand-  It has been a very busy year. Between delivering multiple
                ing of technology trends so that our digital strategy con-  technology projects, we also finalized our organization’s
                tinues to empower E&PS to help our clients do what they   digital strategy; I am very proud of what we have accom-
                do, better.                                         plished. For our digital strategy, we organized our efforts
                                                                    around three main areas: change management, digital
                I have focused the organization around four key enablers:   portfolio capability, and digital’s role as an enabler to
                speed, inclusion, scale, and relationships.         E&PS’s strategy. For a successful strategy we needed to
                                                                    establish that we were executing buy-in at all levels of the


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