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organization; it included all stakeholders that intersected   What are your highest priority technology initiatives
                both the digital and physical. Gaining buy-in required time   in the next 12 months and what are the drivers behind
                to educate, spread awareness, and ensure involvement   those initiatives?
                from teams across the organization both functionally   Over the next 12 months, I am focusing the organization
                and geographically, so that our strategy would resonate   on delivering value around four main objectives: produc-
                throughout. We also made the conscious decision to   tivity, smart buildings, workplace, and mobility. We have
                select a blend of quick wins and foundational initiatives   multiple projects in flight to deliver mobility and collabo-
                to launch in tandem. This allowed us to continue to put   ration benefits to our organization. Streamlining our pro-
                wins on the board and gain momentum while we were    cesses, reducing barriers to collaboration, and ensuring
                progressing longer-term initiatives.                 our teams have mobile enabled platforms to support their
                                                                     respective work requirements are paramount.
                One item in particular was the development of a new
                in-house conference room booking solution, which is now   One area is around work order management and the abil-
                in use at our Houston Campus. E&PS had a clear idea of   ity to support operations and maintenance staffs globally
                what we wanted from a reservation system and developed   to perform their tasks on the go. It requires a mobile solu-
                it in a way that brought the most value to the organization.   tion that is device agnostic, but more importantly, that
                ExxonMobil’s in-house reservation system replaced the   it is easy to use. After evaluating alternatives available
                arbitrary room selection method of employees with an   in the marketplace and determining none were perfectly
                automated, algorithm-optimized one. The system lever-  suited for our needs, we decided to build our own solution
                aged technology to optimize the scheduling process and   in-house, giving us the ability to customize workflows and
                ensure that each meeting took place in a room that was   terminology, and build the user experience around how
                                                                     we operate.

                                                                     We have seen fantastic hard and soft benefits from these
                                                                     projects. Additionally, we are executing a smart building
                                                                     strategy, so we can leverage the benefits around oper-
                                                                     ational efficiency, energy savings, and client satisfac-
                                                                     tion. This strategy is a comprehensive evaluation of our
                                                                     current and future portfolio leveraging a persona based
                                                                     approach. It enabled the development of a digital offer-
                                                                     ings playbook based on site persona and digital readi-
                                                                     ness. The playbook presented a portfolio-based approach
                                                                     leveraging rationalization and standardization on neces-
                                                                     sary digital capabilities required at each location. This
                                                                     supports smarter decision making and ensures we are
                                                                     fully leveraging digital for our business strategy.

                                                                     What technology/innovation trends will have the
                                                                     most impact on corporate real estate over the next
                                                                    three years?
                able to accommodate the needs of that meeting, removing   For me personally, the most interesting technolo gies on
                personal preferences from the process. The system pro-  the horizon are artificial intelligence and machine learn-
                vided utilization data that it could use to plan future meet-  ing. There is still a lot of hype around this space, and
                ing room space, including the number of rooms by type   discrete, cost effective actionable use-cases are a rarity;
                and size, technologies to include in each, and the appropri-  however the potential is transformational. Imagine a time
                ate ratio of meeting spaces to employees. The high utiliza-  when a building completely operates itself, from day-
                tion also suggested that employees were able to use the   to-day adjustments in HVAC to parts requisition for a
                rooms in a way that added value to their work, instead of   component that is approaching failure, all automatically.
                settling for a random available space. The utilization data   This will require a shift in how companies staff and man-
                collected by the system gave E&PS the information they   age corporate real estate groups as the skills required to
                needed to make better design decisions and build strate-  maintain these models is not something most companies
                gies for future workplace development.               have on hand. n


         RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd   25                                                           10/4/18   3:00 PM
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