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                                    At the front of the trend to offering more engaging and more
                                    responsive workplaces are tenant engagement apps—mobile                                               INTRODUCING NANTUM TENANT FRACTAL APP
                                    apps that are designed to enable building occupants to

                                    transact in the workplace, engage workplace amenities, and
                                    communicate their preferences at work in the same way they                                                  Nantum Tenant Fractal App extends the Nantum
                                    do at home—i.e. via their mobile phone                                                                  Building Operating System and integrates with all of

                                                                                                                                             your existing and new building services to provide a

                Ideally, if all available tenant-facing applications in a   drive sustainable building operations, all of which trans-
                single facility are combined through a single integrated   late into dollars.                                             seamless experience for your tenants and their guests.
                platform, that application becomes the single point of
                adoption for the entire tenant experience, creating a 360°   Harness the Power of Building & Tenant Data with a
                experience for all building engagement and communi-  Building Operating System
                cation and acting as a “passport” to all critical building   Property data is only as good as the value that can be
                services. This full system integration allows users to   derived from it. Data for data’s sake is not the point.
                manage guests, expedite security and access control, and   Rather, the point is to capture data, make sense of it, and
                provide building-wide emergency alerts and notifications,   then translate the insights derived from analyzing that
                all from their personal smartphones.                 data into actionable recommendations. Without a proper
                                                                     ‘catcher’s mitt’ for this data, most of its value is lost in
                The use cases for a single integrated platform are near-lim-  exhaust.
                itless, allowing for additional tenant engagement applica-
                tions including conference room and shared amenity space   Implementing such a Building Operating System allows
                reservations, food and beverage ordering, fitness class   for the collection and analysis of data, making it action-
                booking, smart parking, real-time local transit updates, and   able for building operators. Additionally, buildings can
                local community engagement. Additionally, in properly out-  learn the preferences and habits of building occupants
                fitted facilities, a single integrated platform can allow build-  and use machine learning technology to generate recom-
                ing occupants to communicate with building management   mendations which optimize the building’s operations and
                to report facilities issues and specify customized lighting   improve interactions with tenants and their employees.
                and thermal preferences. A more responsive workplace   Seamless integration of consumer/tenant data with
                increases the health, wellness, and productivity of tenants   existing building systems and operations allows for cost
                and employees.                                       savings, enhanced sustainability, and greater tenant
                                                                     comfort and flexibility—ultimately driving revenue for the
                Owners/Enterprise Tenants Should Retain              real estate owners and operators.
                and Make Use of Their Data
                Within a building, building systems, Internet of Things   Unlike point solutions, a Building Operating System looks
                (IoT) devices, and occupants generate massive amounts   at data from all three key building data inputs: core and
                of data. This data, when properly utilized, can have a   shell, enterprise tenant spaces, and building occupants.
                tremendous impact on tenant experience and operational   This allows for the aggregation and analysis of building
                efficiency. As new systems and applications come online,   data, ultimately driving maximum comfort and efficiency.
                the question of data ownership becomes increasingly
                more pressing. Who owns this data and how is it being           Matt Stetson is the Director of Marketing at
                used?                                                           Prescriptive Data, where he leads marketing and
                                                                                brand strategy for Prescriptive Data’s flagship
                By maintaining control of the data generated within build-      operating system, Nantum. Prior to Prescriptive
                ings, owners can retain one of their most valuable assets       Data, Matt spent over ten years in leadership
                in the new economy: data. In turn, this data can be used   positions designing and marketing e-commerce products for                                                                                                          “
                to drive further engagement, enhance tenant comfort, and   global retail clients.                                        “   By People Who Run Buildings,  For People Who Run Buildings.


         RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd   30                                                           10/4/18   3:00 PM
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