Page 23 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 23

We continue our migration
             to the cloud, with a goal
                  of being 100  there
           within the next few years.
           Our goal is to have all our

              proprietary applications

          security group to implement their   What trends do you see having the   Logistically, it will allow shippers
          Threat Manager Log Analysis (TMLA)   most impact on the industry over   to optimize the handling of all the
          tools that deliver near real-time log   the next three years and why?  associated paperwork that has to be
          monitoring, correlation and expert                                    dealt with, like bills of lading and bills
          analysis of security activity across   There are three things that are grab-  of sale, and then there’s the poten-
          our enterprise. TMLA monitors mul-  bing my attention right now. For the   tial impact on property titles and
          tiple system logs as well as external   industrial real estate industry, which   things of that nature. It will create
          data sources to more actively and   centers around transportation and   permanent, immutable records that
          accurately search for threats. Using   logistics, autonomous driverless vehi-  everyone can monitor and act upon.
          AI and Machine Learning, seemingly   cles—whether that be boats, trains,   I believe this will change our world in
          unrelated events and risks can be   trucks and even cars to an extent–is   interesting ways.
          identified and linked together much   something I’m watching carefully.
          more quickly, resulting in actionable   I believe the bigger the vehicle, the   Lastly, AI’s thumbprint on our world is
          alerts that help us protect our net-  sooner you’ll see it automated; I   going to be really, really, big. Whether
          work against malicious intruders and   think we’ll see trucks before we see   it be the security technology we’re
          unauthorized activities.           driverless cars. A shortage of long-  implementing now, or how AI sys-
                                             haul truck drivers makes this a much   tems will interact with other business
          We continue our migration to the   bigger economic imperative.        processes, like lease administration
          cloud, with a goal of being 100%                                      and asset management that are part
          there within the next few years. Our   This new technology will change the   of our daily lives; in the future many
          goal is to have all our proprietary   industrial world appreciably. Do we   of these things will be done without
          applications cloud-based. We’re    need that ‘last mile’ fulfillment center   human intervention. This is going to
          exploring Microsoft ‘teams and tasks’   in a densely populated urban area   have an impact on us as a company
          to leverage some of the new things   if you can load your goods directly   and the individuals who work for us.
          in Office 365. We’ve been putting   on an autonomously driven truck   We’ll need to find opportunities to
          together pilot programs with explor-  and send it right on its way to the   optimize their skillsets; to retool and
          atory teams from different business   final destination? It’s a ‘just in time’,   use our people in other capacities.
          units, which has effectively created   2.0 version of the process that will   Can they be trained to analyze data
          an ad-hoc corporate R&D department;   change our world as an industrial   as opposed to simply gathering and
          we’re involving our internal business   company.                      inputting it? We are a very family ori-
          partners so it’s not just an IT project.                              ented, employee-centric company, so
          This way we can divide and conquer   From a technologist perspective,   figuring this out is one of the things
          across the enterprise.             Blockchain is intriguing to me.    I’ll be focused on in the future.

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