Page 22 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 22

most impact on the industry over   The reasonable cost of sensor tech-  The industry is moving at a rapid
          the next three years and why?      nology with wireless battery powered   pace. There is no longer the question
                                             devices coupled with the lower price   about whether the technology works,
          Utilization of space occupancy data   of storage will continue to push the   because it does. The challenge is edu-
          for Operations is an area that’s begin-  volume of available building data.   cation and convincing those respon-
          ning to draw attention. Today space   Mining this information to extract   sible for funding these initiatives that
          data is predominately used for project   value will continue to be a challenge.   the return on investment will produce
          planning of restacks and to evaluate   Data analytic solutions are saturat-  valuable results. Improved perfor-
          amenity space activity. The next step   ing the market, but I think ultimately   mance, system reliability, savings and
          for space data would be to administer   it will be machine learning through   a healthier work environment, to name
          operational changes. Adjust confer-  artificial intelligence that will help fine   a few. There is a need to empower the
          ence rooms based on occupancy lev-  tune this data. Similar to how your   organization leaders that are about
          els or, on a grander scale, dynamically   home Nest thermostat learns your   to take on this bold journey with tools
          control systems and services based   behavior and adjusts temperatures   to develop viable business cases that
          upon actual occupancy.             accordingly.                       offer proven returns.

                                             SCOTT ZIMMERMAN

                                             CIO, CENTERPOINT PROPERTIES

                                             Scott Zimmerman has been CenterPoint’s CIO for over 20 years and is respon-
                                             sible for directing the IT Department and aligning IT strategy with company
                                             objectives. He oversees tech support, software development and all things
                                             related to computers and audio/visual or communications. Scott also man-
                                             ages corporate business process optimization and corporate marketing to
                                             drive digital innovation.

                                             What major technology projects were you focused on last year?

                                             We’ve been working the past year with our internal business partners in
                                             investments and operations to refine our proprietary underwriting and
                                             advanced analytics tools. That can help us make better investment and leas-
                                             ing decisions; not only make them better but faster, enabling our team to be
                                             far more efficient and to increase transaction volume. There’s a lot of interest
                                             in the industrial market these days. To compete with much larger institutional
                                             investors, private equity groups, etc., we’ve had to retool. We run both Yardi
                                             and ARGUS Enterprise but needed several tools that go beyond what’s avail-
                                             able in the marketplace today. So, we spent a lot of time working with our
                                             teams to improve our data gathering and cleaning processes as well as the
                                             ways we visualize information. We now have a better underwriting and anal-
                                             ysis process that more appropriately assigns and evaluates risk, allowing our
                                             teams to turn assumptions into hard numbers—so they are making faster and
                                             better decisions.

                                             What are your highest priority technology initiatives in 2018 and what are
                                             the drivers behind those initiatives?

                                             We’ve been proactively focusing on improving our IT security platform. While
                                             we don’t have credit cards or medical information, today that doesn’t nec-
                                             essarily mean we’re not a ransomware target. We’re working with AT&T’s

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