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 WE CAN.                  LEFKOWITZ                                                                       DHANDAPANI



                    TECHNOLOGY LEADERS IN THE

                             AGE OF ACCELERATION

 Realcomm Navigating Global CRE Technology & Innovation
                                                                also changed. In the current business climate, we may
                    he oldest and most common technology
                    advances in commercial real estate, such as
                                                                know the important areas to target, but the approach
                    energy efficiency and sustainability features,
                    have become part of our everyday land-      may be less clear.
                                                                The newest technologies such as Blockchain,
                    scape. As newer iterations of these technol-
 CHECK YOUR PORTFOLIO FOR FREE  T ogies developed into connectivity and smart   Autonomous Vehicles, and smart construction’s ‘Self-
        buildings, they began to encompass ever larger areas of
                                                                Healing Buildings’ are paving the way towards wholesale
        the business and grew to include many areas not tradi-  changes in the way we use buildings. The idea of gaining
 Email us at to get started.    tionally under the purview of IT. Increased collaboration   customers through the improved User Experience affects
        and the consultative role of IT became most important as   all aspects of our buildings and communities. The very
        the lines blurred between departments.                  nature of what an employee is will change completely in
                                                                the next ten years as robotics technology improves. In
        Big Data, Cyber Security, Everything as a Service.      this future, integration across systems and teams and
        Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics. These   platforms to take advantage of fast-moving opportunities
 WeatherCheck is the only way to monitor the weather specific to an address. Our   are the buzzwords of our era. Commercial real estate   will be critical. Developing true agility and flexibility will be
 proprietary algorithm automatically sends real-time, critical weather notifications to   owners and managers now know that change manage-  key—no small task for the large enterprise.
 property owners and managers, so you can better leverage insurance, avoid business   ment happens not once, but continually, and the pace   Realcomm EDGE took this opportunity to ask our
        of that change has accelerated. Expertise in multiple
 disruption, and speed first notice of loss. Partner with WeatherCheck today!  areas is required; cyber security in the age of the IoT has   Realcomm | IBcon 2018 Conference Advisory Council
        become integral to everyone’s job; and understanding    Co-Chairs to share their views on what is working today,
        the needs and desires of internal and external customers   and what the future holds as their technology roles
 20     through data means the nature of revenue streams has    continue to evolve.
 Congratulations to REALCOMM on
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