Page 21 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 21

subject matter experts a few years
          back, smart building technology
          became part of our daily vocabulary.
          The event enabled us to identify
          and assemble the teams of experts
          needed to fulfill our vision.

          We crafted a compelling business
          case wrapped around energy savings,
          operating efficiency, environmental
          responsibility and employee health
          to help justify the funding needed for
          our smart building. Quite frankly, it
          would be irresponsible to construct a
          new building today that isn’t techno-
          logically savvy.

          As our new home develops, our core
          electrical, mechanical, life safety and
          mission critical systems are being
          wed through the services of a master
          systems integrator (MSI) focused
          on satisfying specific use cases that
          target our savings and efficiency

          Continuous commissioning, reduced
          HVAC wasted run time, energy
          savings, extended equipment life,   unique space. As we strive to com-  preventive maintenance and in some
          improved air quality, occupant com-  plete the installation of our smart   instances actually make system
          fort, lighting control and occupancy   technology, our work will be centered   adjustments.
          awareness are just a few of the bene-  around finalizing graphics, user inter-
          fits we anticipate. Thousands of sen-  faces, use cases and fault detection   Throughout 2018 we’ll be running
          sors and probes will be bringing back   diagnostics. Technically the possibili-  checks and balances, fine tuning
          a wealth of data that will be used to   ties are endless; therefore, developing   cyber security and ensuring that all
          responsibly keep our buildings living   use cases (e.g., utilizing occupancy   systems on our converged network
          and breathing.                     sensors from the lighting control   properly communicate to satisfy our
                                             system to change local BMS controls   use cases and sequences of opera-
          Our goal is to rely more on building   from occupied to unoccupied modes)   tions. We will also be bringing all this
          intelligence to tell us what the build-  will keep us focused on high value   data to a single user-friendly dash-
          ing needs and when it needs it.    solutions that align with our organiza-  board.
                                             tional objectives.
          We’re now set to move more than                                       Training and empowering our FM
          5000 employees including our CNN   We will be selecting the appropriate   work force to take advantage of this
          Broadcast Operations and HBO       fault detection diagnostic software   wealth of building information will
          Digital Media Productions unit to 30   (or building system analytics) to   be a high priority in 2018. In some
          Hudson Yards in 2019.              help intelligently manage the wealth   cases, we might even be convert-
                                             of data generated by these smart   ing wrench turners into technology
          What are your highest priority tech-  building systems. Data for the sake   geeks. In the end, we need to ensure
          nology initiatives in 2018 and what   of data is useless. It needs to be   all systems are properly commis-
          are the drivers behind those initia-  actionable. Ultimately, by automating   sioned and our teams are trained and
          tives?                             tasks and sequences, we intend for   ready for opening day.
                                             our smart building to communicate
          Essentially, 2018 has become an all   directly with our work order tech-  What technology/automation/inno-
          hands-on deck effort to deliver this   nology: assign work tickets, drive   vation trends do you see having the

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