Page 28 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 28

We have a very talented
                                                                                cloud transformation

                                                                                team that just completed
                                                                                migrating 50 apps in 50

                                                                                Another example of a new product
                                                                                we launched just a few weeks ago is
                                                                                Spacer. It’s a mobile tool that helps
                                                                                clients define their next workplace,
                                                                                including type of space and how
                                                                                much space they would need, and
          manage. This idea emerged internally   the hands of their employees and/or   it’s integrated with Floored Plans,
          in response to a client RFI and we   tenants in a campus setting and/or   our proprietary space visualization
          prototyped it through a 3-day hack-  across their portfolio of buildings.   product. Clients can start by filling
          athon (we called it a ‘protothon’), that                              out the Spacer quiz, which includes a
          led to winning the client account and   What are your highest priority tech-  few simple questions about the kind
          has emerged into a scalable, plug and   nology initiatives in 2018 and what   of space they are looking for and how
          play platform. This resulted in CBRE   are the drivers behind those initia-  many employees they have. They can
          launching a new business capability   tives?                          then view 2D and 3D interactive floor
          that combines this Software as a                                      plans based on their specific space
          Service platform with our facilities/  A few that I can share are acceler-  program results. From idea to launch,
          property management services.      ated public cloud migration, which   Spacer took us less than six months.
                                             is driven by the need for innovation   This would not have been possible
          The name CBRE 360 was chosen for   agility, and execution of digital   without the domain expertise in CBRE
          the software platform as a natural evo-  strategy priorities resulting in new   and the ability to work with our tal-
          lution of our Workplace 360 program,   product/service offerings. We have   ented technology teams in a rapid,
          where 3-4 years ago we pioneered   adopted a multi-cloud strategy which   iterative fashion. We have people with
          reimagining the office space of the   allows us to leverage the rapid pace   20 plus years of experience in this
          future with free addressing workspace.   of innovation at public cloud provid-  industry. We’re marrying that experi-
          Today, in addition to the physical   ers. Any net new software, such as   ence with talented software engineers
          space, we are able to provide a mobile   CBRE 360, is built and deployed on   and product designers and embedding
          app powered by a plug and play plat-  the public cloud. We are also actively   technology capabilities into the heart
          form that enables CBRE to provide   migrating on-premise applications   of how we serve our clients. It’s quite
          custom experiences for individual   to the public cloud. We have a very   a differentiator.
          occupier clients. For large campus   talented cloud transformation team
          clients, services may include wayfind-  that just completed migrating 50   What trends do you see having the
          ing, conference room booking, finding   apps in 50 days.              most impact on the industry over
          and connecting with colleagues, ability                               the next three years and why?
          to raise service requests, etc., all from   We now have agile product develop-
          the convenience of a mobile app. It is   ment teams in key hubs around the   In the immediate term, I would say
          a collection of software driven capabil-  world. This allows us to behave like   increased flexibility through ‘Space
          ities at your fingertips. We also have a   several startups within CBRE any-  as a Service’, infusing the power of
          version for investor clients who want   where in the world. The mantra we use   machine learning into CRE workflows,
          to provide great digital experiences in   internally and increasingly is ‘globally   increased near real-time visibility and
          their multi-tenant buildings including   connected, locally empowered’. We   intelligence into facilities/property
          access to food services, and a host of   are being disciplined about building   management, and an intense focus
          other amenities within the building.   reusable components; building soft-  on user experiences in commercial
                                             ware that is appealing and relevant to   real estate – increasingly referred to
          We have a very active pipeline of   a local market and can be leveraged in   as ‘consumerization’ of commercial
          clients interested in getting the app in   other markets with similar needs.   real estate. n

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