Page 25 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 25

The theme for our initiatives in 2018…leverage
                                                   technology to generate data that can be interpreted
                                                 to drive improved business processes, to enhance the

                                                       client experience or strengthen cost efficiencies.

          the end-to-end work flow in this way   be interpreted to drive improved   lar must be competitive, the answer
          through one system provides access   business processes, to enhance the   is not immediately apparent. At a
          to important data. Beyond managing   client experience or strengthen cost   minimum, we are moving down the
          individual service requests, this data   efficiencies.                path of enabling the infrastructure to
          becomes meaningful information                                        allow the collection of data. We have
          that track trends and address any   There are two key areas of focus.   already started to get requests from
          root causes.                       First, we are implementing a com-  some of our larger clients, who are
                                             mon electronic procurement platform   interested in accessing this data to
          A second initiative involved leverag-  across all our properties. By doing   start to build their own applications
          ing data to improve business pro-  so, there will be natural efficiencies   to promote their employee satisfac-
          cesses to sustain cost efficiencies.   in automating the manual process   tion. If we can understand which
          It was essentially our first major   of handling thousands of invoices at   core set of applications will eventu-
          national Smart Building initiative.   each property; but more importantly,   ally be a common client expectation,
          Given that the cost of energy is one   we will have easy access to all of   we can leverage our scale to pro-
          of the highest spend categories, our   our spend data across the entire   vide those to all of our clients, with
          teams are always looking for ways to   portfolio. By understanding the scale   greater consistency and effective-
          improve. Historically, teams reviewed   of our various spend categories, we   ness, rather than each one of them
          energy bills to understand equip-  can build regional or national con-  building their own.
          ment issues or other inefficiencies.   tracts, allowing us to build bigger and
          Although opportunities can be identi-  broader strategic vendor relation-  What technology trends do you
          fied, this approach was very reactive,   ships.                       see having the most impact on the
          and the inefficiency and extra cost                                   industry over the next three years
          has already been incurred.         We will also continue to build and   and why?
                                             enable our Smart Building platform.
          To be more proactive, we imple-    As we evolve our algorithms and    It’s all about data; collecting it, ana-
          mented a program where we now col-  business processes to optimize our   lyzing it, interpreting the results, and
          lect real-time data from over 200,000   proactive energy management capa-  taking action to drive a business
          building equipment sensors. This   bilities, we need to continue to under-  goal. This is nothing new, but with
          data then feeds a program of algo-  stand the most meaningful areas for   the explosive growth of the IoT, the
          rithms that generates faults or alerts   selective investment in this arena.   opportunities are growing exponen-
          to let us know when there is an equip-  With the explosive growth of the   tially. This is already happening, and
          ment malfunction or other energy   Internet of Things, the opportunity to   we are already underway on related
          issue. Our team can now proactively   collect data that was previously not   initiatives. The big change to come,
          investigate and address these faults,   conceivable seems endless.    however, will be in the increasing
          rather than letting the inefficiency                                  automation of the ‘analyzing and
          fester, and eventually show up as a   There seems to be a plethora of   interpreting’ phases of this pro-
          higher cost on the next energy bill.  applications or ‘use cases’ on how   cess with Artificial Intelligence and
                                             to interpret this data to drive evolv-  Machine Learning. As we continue
          What are your highest priority tech-  ing client expectations. Which ones   to get more data from more sources,
          nology initiatives in 2018 and what   do we pursue? How do we ensure   our business processes and opera-
          are the drivers behind those initia-  appropriate safeguards related to   tor skill sets will need to continue to
          tives?                             cyber-security? The ROI for Energy   evolve, given there will be a lot less
                                             Management was relatively easy to   effort in optimizing data algorithms,
          The theme for our initiatives in 2018   quantify; however, it is not always   and more on executing on the action-
          is the same as 2017; leverage tech-  obvious for many applications. In an   able insights.
          nology to generate data that can   environment where every capital dol-

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