Page 20 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 20


                                             HEAD OF GLOBAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
                                             TIME WARNER

                                             Steve Lefkowitz is the Head of Global Facilities Management for Time Warner.
                                             He oversees FM operations and directs a center of excellence organization
                                             supporting delivery of hard and soft services across their diversified global
                                             portfolio of properties. He is a 35-year veteran of Time Warner where he has
                                             held multiple titles including SVP of CRE for HBO. His experience includes
                                             transactions, engineering, facilities operations and directing complex real
                                             estate construction projects. He is known as a results-driven and prof-
                                             it-minded executive in the corporate real estate world with the ability to man-
                                             age large-scale real estate portfolios.

                                             What were your major technology projects over the last year, and what was
                                             your organizational role?

                                             Let me first provide context by framing up our organization and the proj-
                                             ect I believe would be of most interest to the RealcommEDGE audience.
                                             Considered a global leader in the media and entertainment industry, Time
                                             Warner has three operating divisions, HBO, Warner Bros., and Turner.
                                             Approximately 25,000 employees and 15M square feet of property worldwide.

                                             Our journey began over six years ago with a directive to reduce our NYC real
                                             estate portfolio. We had over 2M square feet of property due to expire at the
                                             end of 2018. The strategic program led to consolidating seven buildings and
                                             ultimately reducing our footprint by 1M square feet.

           Ultimately, by automating         After an extensive discovery & programming process, we settled on partnering
               tasks and sequences,          with Related Properties at Hudson Yards, the popular emerging market in mid-
                                             town Manhattan. This new neighborhood is being constructed over existing
             we intend for our smart         rail yards. There will be 16 towers including commercial, residential and retail

            building to communicate          space. In terms of scale, it is the largest private real estate development in
                                             U.S. history.
        directly with our work order
            technology: assign work          The site at 30 Hudson Yards is a 1290 ft. 90-floor skyscraper. We will be
                                             occupying more than half of this tower and have designed it as a building-
             tickets, drive preventive       in-a-building to control our own core critical systems. Our mission-critical

          maintenance and in some            businesses are dependent on our ability to operate with five nines of reliability
            instances actually make          requiring our building infrastructure to be state-of-the-art and driven by smart
                                             building technology.
                system adjustments.
                                             Partnering with our information technology team early in the process was
                                             of paramount importance. Utilization of our enterprise-wide networks, four
                                             corner WiFi and cyber security protocol are all vital components of our smart
                                             building program.

                                             Tell us about your challenges and decision-making process.

                                             With a booming market of smart building technology providers, the challenge
                                             for us was to clearly understand the key elements and decision points needed
                                             to implement the program. After a trip to a CoRE Tech event with some of our

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