Page 16 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
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spaces to meet user preferences. To plan for the future,
            also consider plumbing for options like automatic
            adjustment of hand washing stations and water
            dispenser temperature.

          •  Intelligent, flexible wireless and wired networks. With
            the average individual currently carrying three to five
            mobile devices, along with connected building systems,
            furniture, concentration rooms and meeting spaces,
            tens of thousands of devices are now connecting to
            enterprise wired and wireless networks and collec-
            tively generating a flood of data. Keeping digital
            traffic running smoothly and reliably, while minimizing
            management overhead, requires flexible, scalable and
            proactive IT solutions that streamline and automate
            networking tasks.

          •  Location awareness and analytics. Although location   split-second updates that visually represent where your
            awareness was once a ‘nice to have’ capability, now   people are, who is safe and who needs assistance. This
            it’s fundamentally necessary for personalizing IT apps,   not only reduces enterprise risk and employee anxiety,
            building systems and furnishings to users. What’s   it enables negotiating a better insurance position.
            more, the data that personalization generates is critical
            for analyzing trends to improve space utilization and   •  Advanced, automated data security. With building
            drive down costs.                                   systems, computing devices, location services,
                                                                conference rooms and furnishings all communi-
          •  Smart conference rooms. Beyond the ability for a   cating data across your networks, appropriately
            conference room to detect that a meeting organizer   securing this traffic is more critical than ever before.
            has entered the space and automatically prepare     Mitigating today’s threats requires speedy detection
            the needed amenities for one-touch use, the latest   and remediation, making machine learning-enabled
            conference room technologies solve a perennial      solutions key to ensuring positive worker experiences.
            enterprise pain point: releasing booked spaces when
            no one attends. In addition to improving facilities   Bring the right constituencies together
            utilization, user experiences are enhanced by boosting   To ensure that building systems and IT solutions interact
            the supply of available spaces.                   harmoniously with humans, it’s vital, at minimum, for three
                                                              traditionally separate constituencies to collaborate on
          •  Cloud-connected furnishings. Everyone works more   any smart digital workplace initiative: real estate, IT and
            efficiently and effectively when their workspace is   human capital. Other groups, such as corporate security,
            comfortable and healthy. Connected furnishings    may also be wise to involve.
            eliminate friction around adjusting desks in
            free-address seating environments, enable users to   In fact, we’ve seen early efforts run aground precisely
            focus on their work – rather than tinkering with their   because these groups failed to interact from the
            workspace – and help promote personal wellness.   beginning. When real estate and IT meet for the first time
                                                              at the end of a multi-million dollar project, they frequently
          •  Smart asset security. Even if bad things don’t   learn there’s insufficient network bandwidth or security to
            happen at your address, an event next door or a few   handle the building and furniture sensor traffic load.
            blocks away can impact your facility. Innovative
            connected emergency preparedness solutions turn   Further, without the involvement of human capital – which
            traditional 2-dimensional crisis data into 3D maps and   includes workers and HR – real estate and IT lack insight into

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