Page 9 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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convenience. Additional technologies such as occupancy
sensors already included in our lighting controls had the
secondary value of providing space utilization data, helping
us right-size our portfolio and build spaces that people
really use. This continued pursuit of value and innovation
using IoT has helped us achieve our goals of contribut-
ing to a healthier planet and reducing impact on natural
resources. This had an additional effect of a reduction of
operating costs and increased profits through improved
operating efficiencies.
We didn’t get there overnight by trying to monitor every
piece of equipment or initiating various pilots of fault
detection analytics, artificial intelligence, or other more
advanced topics. Instead, we began simply: by executing
proven methods that many of our teams were familiar and
experienced with. This included Energy Star benchmark- Our smart building projects provide us direct access to
ing, which is naturally complimented by electrical, gas state-of-the-art office and lab equipment, including space
and water sub metering, thus allowing us to maximize the utilization info, BMS, lighting, energy, water, automated
value of fundamental IoT sensors. This additional instru- window tinting, shades and fire alarms. By leveraging IoT
mentation provided measurable data on performance and automation, the buildings can dynamically operate HVAC,
anomalies. The resulting insights led to the refinement of lighting and shades. They also provide planning teams with
an IoT strategy that included the creation of a global IoT insights into space utilization patterns. The success of this
team that reports into Real Estate & Facilities, and partners project was largely due to the collaborative and integrated
directly with IT and Security to guide IoT implementation approach to project delivery, and the technologies that
and adoption. were included at the design stage—critical for best results.
Case Studies We’re digitally transforming our portfolio, and democra-
Several projects were performed at our existing headquar- tizing actionable information across the organization in a
ters campus in Redwood City and our Santa Clara Campus, secure and scalable manner using IoT. The success of the
which were built in the nineties. LEED and Energy Star program is dependent on collaboration between all staff
certification were important first steps on our journey. We that represents Real Estate, IT, physical and information
constructed two LEED gold certified smart buildings at our security, energy, IoT, sustainability and our respected
historic Santa Clara, California campus and equipped many partners.
buildings at our HQ with various levels of sub metering
and optimized BMS programming, updated lighting con- Establishing a Roadmap for Innovation
trols, fixtures and lamps. Included in these projects was If you don’t already have a program to support technology
the Design Tech High School, which is a Smart Building within real estate, here are a few recommendations and
that represents the first public high school to be built on a considerations:
corporate campus and allows Real Estate and Facilities to
share our sustainability and technology experiences with 1. Identify champions at many levels in the enterprise;
the future leaders of our world. We also integrated multiple foster communications with those champions. They
campuses into our centralized master systems integration must have a passion about technology, a belief in its
platform allowing us to benchmark across multiple build- power and the courage to push for change.
ings and campuses for analysis, continuous commission-
ing, measurement and verification—and ultimately allowing 2. Strategy starts with practical solutions: what problems
us to sustain efficiency and share portfolio information you are trying to solve and the results you want to
with internal stakeholders. achieve.
RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd 7 4/19/19 3:16 PM