Page 8 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 8
Intelligent Buildings
Director of IoT, HQ
xperiencing the evolution of smart build- optimize performance while quantifying and validating
ings over the last decade has been excit- financial savings. In today’s connected environment, we
ing. As companies strive to define their believe that a derivative of the ‘butterfly effect’ is valid for
technological strategies for innovation, building operations and an important part of our strategy.
E aligning those with company goals creates For example, an employee’s alarm clock at home could
a true organizational mission. Thus begins the journey to signal the start of a building chiller, VAVs etc…our strat-
the best smart building strategies. At Oracle the vision is egy began with “the end in mind.”
to be a leader in global real estate and facilities perfor-
mance, best practices, innovation, and proactive strategic So we began our journey, in which IoT was initially a tool
planning. Our IoT strategy aligns well with that vision. To to help understand the performance of our buildings. W.
quote Stephen R. Covey, we began strategy development Edwards Deming famously said “It is wrong to suppose
with “the end in mind.” that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it—a costly
myth.“ The data gathered has provided us with a means
The Path to IoT to justify our costs, validate our performance and con-
Oracle Real Estate & Facilities has fostered an environ- tinuously improve our operation. It has supported many
ment where diverse, results-oriented team members with achievements including multiple LEED and Energy Star
proven track records filled with a rich history of indus- certifications, Carbon Disclosure Project A-List ratings
try experience spanning MEP, Sustainability, IoT and and various other third-party recognitions.
Facilities can collaborate, innovate and follow their pas-
sions that contribute to the company’s triple bottom line. Third party recognition raises the profile of the program
The belief that systems and technology could help us and has the unintended, and typically difficult to quantify,
understand how our buildings were performing is deep- consequence of allowing an enterprise to enjoy the green
rooted in our DNA. With a data-driven approach, we were glow of sustainability. As our buildings performed better,
confident that algorithms could be created that could we also benefited from an improved occupant experi-
automatically feed back to the system and continuously ence by enhancing their comfort, safety, security and
RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd 6 4/19/19 3:16 PM