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Business Solutions

                BLOCKCHAIN FOR CRE:


                HENRY ELDER
                Director of Origination & Investment

                BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IS LARGELY shrouded in
                hype and obscured by hyperbole. Like many ground-
                breaking innovations, the promise of blockchain has far
                outpaced the practical development. It is important to
                understand how blockchain is being applied to the real
                estate market today, and how those applications are
                expected to mature in the future. To help cut through
                the haze, we offer this overview of the current state and
                future promise of one of the most impactful blockchain
                real estate applications, real estate tokenization.  Current Reality: There have only been one or two
                                                                     tokenized real estate offerings, which have not yet
                Tokenization is a catch-all term that can be applied to   generated the same demand as the VC offerings. The
                nearly any aspect of the blockchain industry. In this   return profile of real estate is radically different than the
                article, we will use the term “tokenization” to refer to   returns offered by blockchain companies or the VC funds
                tokenized securities. Tokenization can be simply thought   that invest in them. Entreaties about the risk-adjusted
                of as a form of securitization, selling fractional interests   returns and long-term stability of real estate vs. crypto
                using blockchain-based capital markets for liquidity   have fallen on deaf ears. This is partly because blockchain
                instead of traditional markets such as the NYSE. This was   capital markets mainly provide access to global liquidity
                pioneered by a trio of venture capital firms: Blockchain   from retail investors, who generally do not understand
                Capital, Science Blockchain and SPiCE VC. Each company   the benefits of diversification or risk-adjusted returns as
                raised capital by tokenizing their funds: either entire LP   well as institutional investors. Retail liquidity also pales
                equity positions or future cash flows from investments.   in comparison to that offered by institutional investors,
                This process revealed benefits in liquidity, investor   who so far have been barred from the market by a lack of
                management and transactional efficiency that can be   custody, insurance, and sophisticated products.
                applied to real estate.
                                                                     There are many companies working on these solutions,
                LIQUIDITY                                            and institutional interest from the sidelines has been
                Future Promise: By tokenizing an asset, the issuer gains   extensive. Tokenization platforms like Slice RE have
                access to an expanded pool of liquidity. Instead of being   further prepared for the entrance of institutional
                limited to the regional investors and the 9:30 AM–4 PM   investors, by tokenizing popular institutional investments
                trading hours of a traditional exchange, tokens trade   like LP equity positions in commercial real estate.
                freely across borders and at all hours of the day. This
                global pool of investors and round-the-clock order book   INVESTOR MANAGEMENT
                will unlock additional liquidity premiums and pricing   Future Promise: Blockchains are basically just ledgers,
                efficiency. Each of the VC fund pioneers were able to   keeping track of who holds what token at any time.
                raise over $10 million for their funds, indicating positive   By layering on security token protocols (aka smart
                investor demand in a nascent market.                 contracts), an issuer can automate compliance with


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