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including property managers, service                              The system also allows for rapid problem
                providers, commissioning agents,                                  solving through the ability to show issues
                tenants, security, sustainability and                             versus compliance at precinct level, with
                finance departments.                                              the ability to then drill down to building
                                                                                  level, floor, zone, equipment group and
                The Integration of over 1,000,000                                 equipment item, with each item’s indepen-
                real-time I/O points across multiple                              dent data point trended history.
                building systems including BMCS,
                Lighting, Access Control, CCTV,                                   International Towers Sydney is an excel-
                Hydraulics, Fire and Metering over                                lent showcase of the next generation of
                a wide array of protocols such as                                 smart buildings. It uses innovative auto-
                BACnet, MODBUS, OPC, KNX, SQL                                     mation and technology to keep pace with
                and web services allows building                                  the continuing evolution and growth of the
                management teams to use OBSI                                      workplace of the future and the way we
                for their day-to-day operations. This                             live, work and play.
                includes the monitoring and control
                of building systems; viewing of live                                        James Peterson is Head of Asset
                and recorded CCTV footage; man-                                             Management & Operations for
                aging critical alarms; scheduling                                           Lend Lease, a leading interna-
                systems; monitoring comfort levels;                                         tional property and infrastructure
                managing incidents and managing                                             group with operations in
                cardholder access, to name a few.                                 Australia, Asia, Europe and the Americas.
                                                                                  James manages the development, design and
                OBSI serves contractors and engineering/commissioning   construction teams to ensure the future operational
                teams for commissioning and tuning activities and for   requirements for the precinct are incorporated in a way that
                the continuous improvement of integrated building sys-  delivers ongoing best practice and operating cost and
                tems’ performance.                                   management efficiencies.

                                                                         Need to see clear across

                                                                           all of your properties?

                                                                        We’ve left the platform open for you.

                                                                      You depend on a comprehensive view of your portfolio to make
                                                                      strategic decisions. That’s why we created flexible solutions
                                                                      you can tailor to the complexities of your business and gain
                                                                      the actionable insights you need to maximize performance.
                                                                                   Truly open for business.

                                                                        |    1.800.321.8770

                  2018RealComm_Hlf_7_5x4_875.indd   1                                                          9/14/18   4:26 PM

         RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd   17                                                           10/4/18   3:00 PM
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